Wow. May GOD bless you Bill for your efforts in staying strong and consistent, going against the WT and fighting for the abuse victims.
I've been paying alot of attention to this thing for the past year or so, reading the forums mostly, and I of corse saw the Dateline show. As you can see this is my first post.
I personally have been a Conservative Christian all my life, and have never been a JW, but I have some JW friends that deny stuff like this happens. When I approach them about the blood issue, child molestation, the WT failed prophecies, etc. they deny that the tower has done anything wrong, and always point the blame at the DF'd people. Wow. How can people be so closed minded? How much longer will these people continue to be deceived?
My JW friends are truly nice people that want to do good things in life, and truly believe that they are serving GOD by blindly following the WT. It breaks my heart when I see them being led down the garden path to destruction. And the sad thing is, as many of you have experienced, in order for them to be set free they first have to be subjected to an unbearable amount of pain.
Well Bill, my prayers are with you and your family. I hope and pray that you will be able to rebuild your life after leaving the WT. I certainly hope that you don't go back. My hat is off to you for your continued efforts. As you can see you have a lot of folks who admire you for your relentless energy to protect the children and expose the disgusting skeletons that the WT has in their closet.
Edited by - FullOfGraceAndPeace on 26 July 2002 13:54:40