LMAO @ Scully! Are you serious? This really worked for you???
May have to DA
by jaded 16 Replies latest jw friends
This subject comes up again and again on this site and I am saddened to see that so many people suffer anguish contemplating which route to take.
It is a matter of individual circumstance. One must do what is in their best interest.
For some people, that is to quietly fade. If you intend or desire to maintain some semblance of a relationship with family members who remain within the cult, then sometimes this is the only option that allows that opportunity. It may be very limited contact with loved ones, but for some people this is what they need.
Yet and still, for others disassociation is the answer. If you do not wish to be bothered any longer by "sheperding calls" from arrogant elders who wish to subtly chastise you for not being in attendance at their weekly meetings, then to publicly announce your rejection of their religion is the course to undertake.
In my own personal case, I opted for disassociation. I did not want the members of this cult to visit me or attempt to contact me any longer, and I could not in good conscience allow myself even in name only to be known to be affiliated with this corrupt, hypocritical religion. To disassociate yourself is to publicly REJECT THEM, and to make that known to every member of your former congregation and elsewhere.
All in a nutshell.. you must do what is best for you in your individual circumstance.
My best wishes go out to you in this time of decision.
While I agree with the view point of not wanting to be even remotely asociated
with the WTS, I feel those that are not df or da'd can do more to help those
that are still in.As has been brought out, JWs can and do talk to those that are just inactive.
As long as inactive ones and those still in comunicate, then there's always the chance a seed can be planted.
And in time, who knows?
We just may see them here.
Thanks for the replies! I'm still undecided. Think I will let hubby read this thread and get his input. We are among the lucky ones. Our kids never bought into the load of crap and we have no close relatives who are "in". Of course we are shunned because we do not attend meetings. We do keep a little bit of contact with a couple of families that we really care about. Would love to help them get out someday but they have families who are in so their cirucumstances are different. And as everyone says, if they shun us they really were not true friends to begin with. We are starting to mention things about the pedophile situation and the NGO so I doubt that they will be too surprised if we DA. Will let you all know what I decide. Thanks again.
1st we've been having GREAT sex with all th no no's throughout the time he's been a MS and an Elder. (I mean great)!!!!
He just stepped down as an elder. He doesn't believe anymore, he's an Atheist in the "closet." But he still wants contact with family. So what can I do? Maybe i should stop giving good sex . . .that's a thought. But, then I'd suffer too. I don't think so.
Do you have family in the borg?
Max Divergent
I decided that I decide my religious identity, not some administrative process set by the JW for their own purposes. I took a pragmatice view that DA/DF would be inconvenient for weddings, funerals and things, so I've just made a 'heart de-dedication' and have let my actions speak rather than rely on an 'official' JW announcement of the fact that I've nothing whatever to do with them anymore.
But that's just me. You may view it differently. Prisca's comment was amusing, as we doubted more and more, the bedroom certainly became a den of pornia! I think that was somthing that just said to us 'get outta here!' (but never any prayers for forgivness!!!!).
Good luck, Max
Reborn's comment is balanced, and I have nothing to say that could improve upon it. It all depends on the individual's circumstances.