Hey my JW daughter is coming to visit .

by mouthy 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    I was just reading over my JW daughter last visit.
    I couldnt remember how long ago it was I hugged her.
    So all you newbies,I am bringing this site up again

    So you will NOT to make the MISTAKES I made
    when she was here ....I wish I had let her believe
    she was right .....I might have seen her again...

  • snowbird


    You did what you saw best, Grace.

    May you have peace.



  • wobble

    Thanks Grace,so much,

    I was about to send a letter I have written to my Nephew,uber Witness,WT Conductor etc. which I know would bring things to a head,and stop my gentle fade.

    Perhaps I will re-think,I do love all my little great nephews and nieces,and I would hate to be cut off from them.

    It is just SOOOOOO annoying to have all the crap thrown at you and not be able to reply,to let them think they are right is so HARD.

    Love and BIG HUGS,


  • mouthy

    See Wobble I KNEW I brought tis up again for a reason...
    Keep the LOVE for them... Give em the WALK not the TALK(((((((HUGS)))

  • alamb

    Hugs for you.

  • mouthy

    Hugs back to you my love

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    Glad to hear that your Daughter is coming to see you, I hope it goes well for you.

    Sorry to hear about your pain.

  • steve2

    Grace, you are a really loving mother and I feel for what you've gone through. How sad that your daughter is caught up in such an unforgiving, merciless organization. Who doesn't make mistakes and wish they could go back and repair things? We can all do better next time. It's just a shame that the constraints of the organization prevent your daughter from seeing what a genuinely loving mother she has and showing a bit of mercy to you. Kind thoughts from me to you.

  • mouthy

    Thanks Steve. for you kind thoughts.

    Barbie Doll that is a VERY OLD post. 6 years ago.
    I brought it back because I was speaking to someone
    just out, who was going to tell her daughter all the lies
    I was trying to show her maybe it would be best to keep it quite
    if you want to keep their love. I have lost my daughter's on orders of the WT

  • parakeet

    Mouthy, I know how hard it is to bite your tongue when you KNOW they're wrong! I'm a fader (30 years), but at the time I decided to leave, I told my parents face-to-face that I was leaving the dubs because I didn't believe it was the "truth."

    My mom was heartbroken, but she decided not to tell the elders about my decision. Over the years, we've kept a (mostly) good relationship, and she was able to watch her grandchild grow up. But many many times, she would make comments about the "end times" and other loaded dub topics. I always refused to take the bait, knowing that an all-out argument could ruin our relationship.

    But oh, how I wish I could really talk to her and discuss these things. Maybe I should have. There's just no knowing how one's decisions will turn out.


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