Well, I have to say that things went better yesterday than I expected. My dad first commented that I had put on some weight and then gave me a hug. My mom took one look at me and said I was getting fat and it was a shame. Of course, she was exaggerating, I weigh less than 130 pounds. But it is the most I've ever weighed. (I asked my doc if I should be concerned and she said no, that she just thought I was happy. All this AFTER I leave the borg.)
My mom and dad didn't stay at my grandmother's house long b/c they had to finish stuff at my uncle's house. Later that evening my dad called and asked to speak to me. Here's how the conversation went:
Dad: I'm glad you were able to come be with the family today.
Me: Aw, how sweet. (half sarcastic)
Dad: Come on now. You know you're my daughter.
Me: Oh? Can I come visit?! (I have been banned from their house.)
Dad: (Deep breath) Yeah, you can come visit.
It was at this point that I about fell over in shock! I can't believe it!! He even told me that for the funeral he wanted me to ride in the family car with everyone else. I totally didn't expect that! I just KNEW I wouldn't be able to ride or sit with the family...esp since the funeral is in a KH.
I'm still cautious because I don't want to get hurt by them again. I imagine this is just a phase brought on by my uncle's death and that it may pass. I'm not getting my hopes up. I'll just take what I get as it comes.
I'll let ya know how the funeral goes on Saturday. Thanks for all your hugs yesterday!!