4 skins
Also, I don't know what JBS or whom John McMannus is.
JBS is the John Birch Society and Jonh Mcmannis is the current president. The JBS is the source of much of what you believe about the so-called money trust and the New World Order.
Daniel's prophecies have little to do with the final conflagration.
Daniel's prophecies have everything to do with the final war. Every prophecy in Daniel, except the 70 weeks prophecy, culminates in Jehovah's kingdom annihilating the last human governmental institution. That obviously hasn't happened yet.
The words of the Master and his disciples hold little to suggest that Daniel's prophecies expand much beyond the first century.
Not true. Jesus specifically referred to Daniel and urged the reader to have discernement into certain features of his prophecy that would impact those who are called to be holy ones in relation to God's kingdom. That fact that so many do not have such discernment doesn't negate Christ's words, it merely validates them.
And there is little to evidence that a secondary set of "last days" exist outside the minds of commentators and little to evidence that there is a secondary "great tribulation".
On the contrary. Daniel the 12 chapter situates the world's greatest time of trouble as occuring immediately before the earthly resurrection of the dead. Since there was no visible resurrection after the destruction of Jerusalem, the final fulfillment of the great tribulation is still in the future. Besides, Jesus said that the tribulation would be greater than any catastrophe that had ever occured or ever will occur. The Nazi holocaust was much worse than the the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman king of the north, again, showing that Jesus intended to convey the idea to his disciple of a much greater fulfillment .
The words of God's messiah is suggesting that the "great distress" is great only in the sense of its Duration and commenced in the first century.
Definitely not true. Jesus said that the presence of the Son of man would be just like the days of Noah. Noah's day was a relatively brief period in which the entire earth was purged of an evil civilization that refused to give heed to Noah's warning. Furthermore, Jesus plainly said that the entire world would suddenly be gripped with terror during the time of tribulation. That would logically extent far beyond the confines of tiny little Judah.
So too with the "last days"; Peter claimed they commenced on the day of Pentecost. Mathew's gospel account, I believe, is important to get a grasp on the Revelation.
In view of the fact that the long standing Jewish system of things was going to be destroyed before that generation passed away, the interval before its passing could properly be called the last days.
There are no "signS"(plural) and no composite sign. The disciples asked for a "sign"(singular) albeit not appreciating that Christ's return was not to be in their day.
There are many signs that constitute the presence of Christ, but only one sign when the Son of man is manifest during the war of Armageddon. Jesus even said that there would be numerous "fearful sights and from heaven great signs"---noting that "signs" is in the plural. Together these would make up one sign, what we call a composit sign.
The Revelation seems to carry this theme and adds details. The multi-headed beast of Revelation 13 and 17 are the same, the latter with more details for identification.
Yes and no. The beast in the 17th chapter has under gone a drastic change, evidenced by it's color, which is relevant to what we are talking about in connection with the collapse of the present system. But, I will leave it at that./ You Know