Life really is what we make it.

by SpiceItUp 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpiceItUp

    I have been reading the board today and have noticed alot of ones today are hurting and angry. My heart goes out as I have been there many times. it is often hard to focus on the good things in our life when the negative seem to push them out. Just a note today that if you can think of even one good thing in your life then you will be ok. Sometimes it is just as simple as watching a rainbow in the sky to remind of us that beauty is all around us and even though sometimes it hard to see really isnt. To those having a bad day, week, month, year even just do me this one favor. Look at something or listen to something (music always makes me appreciate the beauty I sometimes forget is out there) or hold something dear to you and focus on that even if just for a moment and realize that it is not all bad and never will be. Cherish those good moments and force the negative ones to take backseat even if its temporary (I have never nor will I ever encourage not dealing with things) and put some balance and perspective into your life. Realize that there are always people that care about you and will do just anything to prove it. Don't give up hope as sometimes that is all we have to hold onto.

    I wanted to share a few of my "happier" poems. Please dont make fun some are several years old and I dont consider them very good but I still wanted to share them.

    The Senses of Life - 1994

    watching, waiting

    whispering, wondering

    how does the time go?

    When do you see

    the sun rise and set

    the raindrops fall

    the wonderment

    when do you smell

    the sweet red rose

    a home-cooked meal

    and newly washed clothes

    when do you hear

    a small child talk

    or the wind blow

    on a long summer walk

    when do you taste

    the newly cut grass

    or the elegant meal

    of present past

    when do you feel

    a babys soft skin

    the heat from the sun

    as spring begins

    the little things

    that we never see or taste

    hear, feel or smell

    cause we're too busy and we waste

    one of lifes greatest joys

    like a childs first toy

    dont miss it or do without

    cause these are the things that lifes all about

    Child Within - 1994

    The child voice inside

    Reaches out and smiles

    Discovering pleasures

    On hidden miles

    A small hand clings

    To warmth and protection

    The small heart opens

    To love and affection

    Innocent mind

    Naive and free

    Sharing with others

    Able to see

    The lost years

    Hidden within

    Free of the guilt

    Burden and sin

    The golden cheeks

    Smile and glow

    As the last raindrops

    Bring forth a rainbow

    Simplistic - 1996

    Tree leaves swaying gently

    in a breeze at bay

    Ocean flood waters splashing

    in a summer wind

    Golden moon rowing about

    in a thicket of clouds

    Bushes rustling as an insect passes

    in and out of the branches

    Gentle deers lapping meekly

    in a trickling stream

    Melodic birds singing

    in a surround sound woods

    Nature calling attention

    in a voice of simplicity

    All this beside a world

    in chaotic technological advances

    Anyway my thought is please take the time today to pick a flower, go on a walk, enjoy the sound of silence.

    If anyone else has a thought or poem or anything to share please do.

  • Solace

    Spicey, your poems are so sweet!

    I try to be positive although its not always easy. Negativity and hatred can really suck the life out of you if you allow it to take over. I myself am not here to be negative. I am here to be a tiny voice for those of us who have been hurt and manipulated by the W.T.S. In doing so, I hope and pray that we can somehow manage to keep others from going through it themselves.

    Edited by - heaven on 26 July 2002 15:26:8

  • Sentinel


    Your expressions are beautiful. I love to read stuff like this. I've written ever since I can remember. It's a wonderful outlet for emotion.

    Also, I keep a personal journal for three separate things: Each day I write exactly how I feel emotionally, how I feel physcially, and the events of the day. I have many years of these writings. They have helped me to get a good picture of "myself" through my emotional reconstruction. I've learned so much from just "taking notes". It's like looking in the mirror a different way.

    I used to be a very sad and lonely person. Life had been unfair and cruel to me. I wore the weight of the world on my shoulders. But, life is too short to be in that place. So, I "fixed" myself. I studied my parts, repaired the damage and moved on. But I have my bad days now and then. The difference is, these days, I don't allow myself to dwell on the negatives.

    Yes, those negative feelings are normal at times, but when they begin to take over, we just have to give them the boot!

    Heaven, your butterfly is beautiful. How did you do that? Very creative. Do either of you paint? Just wondering. I found that to be a good healing outlet as well.

    Spice, you're on the right road. You have a healthy attitude. There are so many things in life to enjoy, like you said, the good things, ..Here is something I just now composed. I felt creative because of what you wrote in your post. I will call it "Turning Point"

    "The joy of seeing morning light, the pleasant glow of moonlit night..

    The melodies of natures song, ..I am listening all day long.

    And if I need to have a little cry, rain falls down from the sky...I will...

    For I will know within my heart, ... that this is where the lessons start.

    Because sometimes we're gonna have a is like that, after all...But still..

    We can get right back up again,.. full speed ahead.... with strength to bend"

    We just have to "go with the flow" and learn to survive by being flexable under pressure.

    Love and Light,


    Edited by - Sentinel on 26 July 2002 16:34:58

  • TruckerGB

    I got up this morning feeling pretty rotten,angry and miserable,you see,it is a year ago today that I lost my Mum to cancer,she was 66.

    After feeling sorry for myself for most of the morning,I started to think,what am I doing,I know that she would be upset if she knew that I was moping about,she told me that before she died,we talked almost to the very end,she was a very brave lady,even with the pain she suffered she did not complain once.

    So I started to think about the good things,I thought rather than mourn her,why not celebrate her life,so I have been remembering,who it was that patched me up after falling out of trees as a child,who it was that always seemed to forgive,even if a dissaproving look went before,and far more than I can say here.

    Tonight I feel better,slightly reflective,as I do miss her,but one thing she said is that life is for living,live it,and live every moment as if its your last,because one day it will be.

    2 hours after saying that she was gone,my perspective on life has changed dramatically ever since.

    Take care,


  • Solace

    Karen, I couldnt paint a stick person if I tried. My sister is the artist in the family. I do like to work with flowers but it can be hard to make arrangments for funerals since it is such a sad occasion. The little butterfly is something I picked up on the web. I actually learned this from other posters on this board. You just right click on the butterfly and click on properties and copy and paste to download. There are quite a few sites on the web to download these. I think this one was from "e-mail animation" or something like that. It is alot of fun and a neat way to jazz up your e-mails too.

    Trucker, Im so sorry about your mother. She sounded like a very strong and wise person, much like her son. Take Care, Trucker GB. ((Hugs))

  • Sentinel

    Rich, (((((HUGS))))

    I wondered why I hadn't heard from you for awhile. Now I understand. My dad passed away on Jan. 31, 2001. He was 79 and had heart problems, compounded by a bad stroke and finally a bursting aneryrism in his heart. I lived over 1,000 miles away. I had visited him seven months earlier. I had quite a different relationship with him than you had with your mom. Still, I feel the loss. I am mostly sad by what he missed in not having a real father/daughter relationship with me for such a long period of time.

    I'm glad that you were able to be with your mom up until she passed. You know, she is just around the bend. I have something I want to share with you that I got out of a recent Reader's Digest magazine. I found it one day when I was feeling blue. It affected me so profoundly that I kept it with my special stuff. It is called "Death is Nothing At All", by Henry Scott Holland.

    "I have only slipped away into the next room.

    I am I, and you are you, whatever we were to each other, that, we are still.

    Call me by the old familiar name. Speak of me in the easy way which you always used to.

    Put no difference into your tone.

    Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.

    Laugh as we always laughed,

    At the little jokes that we enjoyed together.

    Play, smile...think of me, pray for me.

    Let my name be ever the household word that it always was.

    Let it be spoken without an effort, without the ghost of a shadow upon it.

    Life means all that it ever meant.

    It is the same as it ever was.

    There is absolute and unbroken continuity.

    What is this death but a negligible accident?

    Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?

    I am but waiting for you, for an interval, Somewhere very near,

    Just around the corner.........All is well"

    Please accept my most heartfelt condolence. Cancer is a terrible thing. My sister-in-law just this past week lost both her breasts to cancer. She had just married in April (second time to the right guy) and now this. We are waiting on the prognoses. It doesn't look good.

    People come and go in our lives. But, we can still celebrate their life by remembering them, and even by talking to them. In this way, they are never gone, they are "just around the corner". I talk to my dad every now and then. Actually, I get more points across now, then ever before....

    Please feel better. Allow yourself to feel the things you feel, but remember that we are alive, and she would want you to move on and be happy. None of us know when we will make our "exit", just as your mom said. It is good to think about these things and be reflective, because it will help us to face death again, whenever it occurs.

    I'm here for you.


  • Sentinel

    Oh, and Heaven, thank you for the tip. I will be brave soon and attempt to make my posts more creative.



  • john123

    These are great sentiments. Some people are so fiiled with anger, or because of a psyhiatric disorders they cannot function or cope. These hurting ones need to be equiped with healthy coping skills. I was wondering if anyone would like to be trained as a peer counselor. You will receive training on how to help people use their thinking capabilities to analyze what needs to be done to heal

    Edited by - john123 on 26 July 2002 22:0:49

  • SpiceItUp

    Thanks for the great replies. I am glad I was able to bring smiles to a few faces today.

    (((((Heaven)))))) You always come across as a sweetheart in my opinion.

    (((((Karen))))))) beautiful poem

    (((((((Trucker)))))) sorry about your mother but I am glad you have fond a positive way of dealing with it.

    (((((John))))) I have often thought about becoming a conselor then I realized that i sorta already am to my close friends. maybe someday I will broaden that to help others as well.


  • MrMoe


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