I just wanted to introduce you all to a new member, he goes by the name of PRETENDER. He made his first post today, and I am hoping he will continue to come in. He is a wonderful person and he has alot to offer. I wont get into his story or more details ,until he is ready to tell it himself. But since he may be reading this, I think it would be so sweet of ya'll to welcome him to the board. I'd like him to see what wonderful people you all are, we have told him so much about you all. If you can just say hi , I would be thankful ................. hugs Dede
Please welcome this new member..... thanks
by LyinEyes 33 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks Dede,
I will look for the Pretender and welcome him. This is such a busy place here anymore, that I'm certain I have not personally welcomed many of the newbies.
Welcome to all the new readers and posters. This is a good healthy place to be. We try not to judge anyone. Most of us have been hurt and humiliated by the WBTS, the "borg" so we are usually sensitive.
You can express yourself and you will be read.
Love and Light,
Edited by - Sentinel on 26 July 2002 17:47:46
Welcome pretender. I am new here too. This is a great place, looking forward to reading yours posts.
Welcome, Pretender! Looking forward to reading your posts.
Nathan Natas
Welcome Pretender, and anyone wlse who may be lurking out there.
hi, pretender.
here's a hello hug (((pretender))). may you live long and prosper in this little corner of cyberspace.
Welcome Pretender
I am pleased you have felt able to make your first post and I hope you will carry on. Most here find that posting helps them. We are a very eclectic bunch and I am sure you will find some you gel with and others a little harder to understand, just like a big extended family really.
Feel free to ask questions and go at your own speed.
Finding out the truth about the truth is a major thing in your life. Well done for getting this far.
Welcome Pretender!
And all the new ones and lurking ones that have come to this board while I was gone. WOW there seems to be a lot of new ones here, so please don't be offended if I have to introduce myself in chat (short term memory loss)
One of my favorite tunes by the Platters! Welcome oh Great Pretender!
Hello and welcome, pretender!
I only know LyinEyes and WildTurkey through this forum, but I have come to like and appreciate them both a lot. They surely make it near the top of my wanna-party-with-one-day people
Surely, a friend of theirs is a friend of mine. Loyalty to friends is one of the qualities in life I have come to appreciate the most.
Hope you enjoy this place.
- Jan
PS: Is your name taken from the song "The Great Pretender"?