For many of us, the thought of missing a meeting to do anything else was problematic. Should I go to that concert (to that group that only comes once every few years on a meeting night) or should I give my talk? Should I go to BOTH meetings this Sunday or should I go on that company picnic? How many times did you force yourself to go to the meeting so that you wouldn't be talked about? Have you ever had anyone come up to you to "see if everything's alright, because we missed you"?
by minimus 15 Replies latest jw friends
William Penwell
What about if a big football or baseball game was on.
what about if Dateline is on?
all the things,............
sleep in for no good reason other than sleeping
let the kids watch cartoons on Saturday/Sunday morning
make doughnuts for the kids and just be lazy
just be lazy
work in my flower garden
take off work clothes and be sloppy on Thursday night
watch Friends on Thursday night
In 11 years, I probably only missed one or two meetings, 'cuz I always pushed pushed pushed and forced myself to go (you remember the saying, "You'll always feel BETTER if you go to the meeting.") I felt too guilty if I didn't go, and most of the time it was okay. EXCEPT.... I would even force myself to go when PMS-ing and ended up BARKING at people, then driving home hating myself, I would stop and get Haagen Daaz choco-chip ice-cream and eat my blues away. If I had had any good sense, I would have stayed home when in the PMS-zone.
For several years I had wanted to take dance lessons, but because the group class was on a meeting night, I never would sign up. About two years later they began having the classes on a different night and I signed up. That was the beginning of the end. Step Toes Into World, and Watch Out! ;-)
Too Many things to list.
I was a pretty regular meeting attender, but not so obsessive that I couldn't miss one for what I thought was a legitimate reason, though I resented the relentless pressure to attend. I have always been seriously annoyed by that not-so-subtle technique the witnesses have of wheedling out the info to determine whether or not one's 'excuse' for missing a meeting was acceptable. This being accomplished, as was mentioned, by asking if you were allright or saying they missed you. It is just a technique for mutual spying, oneupmanship in theocratic obedience (I was there, where were you?), and control. Very rarely was it ever a real concern for a person's health. I used to always feel compelled to give some account of why I was missing, but as I gained strength in my deprogramming, I would just say 'thank you' when they tried that. It always put an end to the line of questioning.
I do have one good story about missing a meeting. A fellow witness and I, both Star Trek fans had non refundable tickets for a live performance of Leonard Nimoy and William shatner talking about their ST experiences. They was bought way in advance, for a Saturday night. No meetings. Well, the CO was visiting, and due to some forgettable circumstance, one of his meetings with the cong. was rescheduled at the last minute for... that very Saturday night of our event. I decided to discuss it with the CO, and 'get permission' so to speak. Pitiful isn't it! Anyway, he was very understanding, and told us to go ahead and go to it, and catch his talk next week at another nearby cong. We went. Had a great time. Never did go to the CO's talk later.
I remember when I was little Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was going to be on Thursday night at 8 and my mom wouldn't let me stay home and watch it. I was SO completely devestated LOL. Oh the pain ;) The there was the time I was singing in a school musical and my mom's conscience was just killing her because the play was about the Zuni indians (pagan dontcha know) AND the play was on a meeting night. BUT I did get to sing in it :) YAY mommy hehehehe.
"concerts"? that was totally unheard of, at least for me. as for people calling up "just to see if you're ok", what a joke. i had valley fever one time and was gone for almost two weeks and everyone wondered if i was all right 'cause i was missing all those meetings. bull... if they were so worried about me, why didn't they come to my house and bring me chicken soup, or flowers or something. errr...
I used to HATE to miss this Cosby Show on Thursday nights! Truth is I would have rather done damn near ANYTHING other than go to a meeting!