SevenofNine, thanks girl,
You are always so helpful.
No wonder everyone loves you.
Edited by - DevilsAdvocate_DA on 14 March 2001 15:47:27
by Focus 15 Replies latest jw friends
SevenofNine, thanks girl,
You are always so helpful.
No wonder everyone loves you.
Edited by - DevilsAdvocate_DA on 14 March 2001 15:47:27
I personally don't believe that its quite that simple. I know from
my experience in AJWRB that we have members from very different
backgrounds and perspectives. Some of these are "loyal" Jehovah's Witnesses to the core except that they sincerely believe a mistake
has been made on the blood doctrine. Others are former JWs who dislike
the WTS a great deal. Most are somewhere in between.
As I look back on my experiences with the WTS over the last four decades its a very mixed picture. I'm inactive now with minimal attachment, but I try very hard to be objective about my experience. I don't have any agenda to escort anyone out of the Watchtower nor do
I try to convince anyone to stay.
I sincerely believe that Jehovah's Witnesses, more than anything else, need solid, objective information that they can analyze and use to put
their WT experience into perspective. What they do with that information is entirely up to them.
For JWs making such an examination of their beliefs, I believe the most helpful thing we can do is be supportive of their choice, even if
it is a choice that we would not make ourselves.
Some of those individuals are going to float into forums like this and
express their own unique views. I see this as a constructive thing since the WT really needs to show more respect for the individual views of its members. Amidst all of this diversity could we find a
a plant or WT stooge? Perhaps, but even then its just one more voice
for each of us to evaluate. In the end, most of these voices are just
lost souls trying to make some sense out of their lives.
Good post Lee.
An informed sincere Jehovah's Witness is far better than an ignorant one.
Edited by - Scorpion on 14 March 2001 19:41:58
DevilsAdvocate_DA wrote on Mar 14, 2001 2:41:38PM:
Focus,I could care less if there are stooges on Jehovah or any other web forum dealing with Jehovah's Witnesses.
But the primary function of the WT plant is to discourage, sidetrack, mislead or confuse opposers - so we should not care less. The secondary job is to present defenses and show that the WTS is not that unreasonable (mild apologia a la F iend). A possible tertiary role is infiltration and the obtaining of data to be used against opposers or their cause (I see no evidence of this).
I have never said anything to either parties that I need to look over my shoulder.
Same here!
But thanks for a well thought out post.
Thanks - I am sure I was merely enunciating what many have thought.
And no one should believe I am suggesting any form of shunning of Friend - it is the other side that does that! OTOH, one should engage him, but be mindful of his not unlikely agenda given all the circumstantial evidence and his inability to provide a convincing explanation for his motivations.
(Sea Class)
Edited by - Focus on 14 March 2001 22:48:44
I guess we would never get the truth from Friend if he is a "stooge" and was applying "theocratic war strategy." Unless of course he decided to leave the WTS.
=:O 3Stooges here, but a real WTS stooge, I don't know. He would leave in a instance, unless he wanted to become an ex-stooge