Good arguments on responsible gun control
by barry 12 Replies latest jw friends
Village Idiot
Here's some more comedy:
The "Boston bomber" used a pressure cooker. Restrict sales of pressure cookers or just ban them altogether.
Restrict sale of items used to make a pipe bomb.
Restrict sale of gasoline because of Maltov Cocktails.
Restrict high powered cross-bows.
Restrict the sale of Samurai swords.
Something must be wrong with the firearms I own. In nearly sixty years not a single one of them has ever jumped up, loaded itself, marched out and shot anybody. One has though been in my hand and stopped a home burglary in progress until police arrived. And several rifles have provided wild game for the table.
Once the US bans/restricts guns, criminals will also obey the law and also get rid of their guns (just like in Mexico). We will then have lower gun crime. ;) -
Where I grew up in rural Canada having a gun was just a natural part of growing up. We even took shotguns and rifles to school. Locked them in our lockers and no one ever shot anybody that I can recall. If I tried that today, in many areas I would be arrested. In many rural environs still today in Canada, guns are not treated much different than pitch forks or knives. if you have ever been to Northern Canada guns are used just as much for your protection as a tool for gathering food.
A 12 gauge pump action shotgun is used by many legitimate hunters. At the same time, with an ammo sleeve on the butt of the gun, you could have 5 buck shot rounds in the gun and another 5 easily reloaded. I guess the hunters are SOL. ;) Ban 'em! -
Lambs bottom we were not in it for the thrill of the hunt we were in it for the thrill of eating. I miss those days there is nothing to compare the taste of partridge or grouse or pheasant or what ever their called where you live.
As for the thrill seekers like those idiots I see on shows like "Duck Dynasty" I think they are really stupid for shooting ducks. I wouldn't waste ammunition shooting ducks but that's just me. They taste terrible, maybe if I was starving and they were the only thing left to eat then maybe.
Marvin Shilmer
There are good reasons for having firearms, including what might seem like high capacity magazines to folks who aren't familiar with these reasons (think: Joe Biden!). (By the way, 300 round magazines do not, in my opinion, have any place in the civilian world.) There are places I sometime have to go where exposure to feral hogs is probable. If you don't have a sidearm backup with you loaded with 15 and a magazine with another 15 nearby you're a fool. Those who've ever encountered one of these vicious beasts knows why. I also sometimes have to go places where criminal elements make it likely that I'll be in the presence of a stone cold killer mentality who has not yet victimized. I don't intend to be the first victim, and if I am I don't intend to stand there reasoning with a person who's confronting me or mine with lethal intent. He or she's going to get whatever I can give them right now and center-mass.
I believe in responsible civilian gun ownership. It would not hurt my feelings one bit for the US to require citizens to have a locally issued license to purchase, own and carry a firearm. This way non-criminals who feel the need have a means of purchasing, owning and carrying a firearm, and there is some minimum standard in place to demonstrate competency similar to what is done for driving an automobile on public thruways.
I'm going to get a concealed weapons permit and start packing. When a nut job starts shooting there's almost never a cop insight. If your unable to protect yourself then your just another victim.