After I have read a lot of this here, and evrything bill say, i must say this is a very delicat and difficult issu. Almost unbelevebel difficult.
I dont want to defend abusers, fare from that, i hate them,and think the best is to take ther balls away, but i think it is important that this not turns out to be a witchunt on men, like it was inn in Sweden in the some time ago, some Swedeish famus writer say this is the moderm times witchunt.
In 1600 children was turnig inn ther mothers and say they was witch, and they was burnd , who can go against children.
here some social educated peopel find when they ask children, that if they think wery carefull, they must remeber that some have abuse them when they was littel children, we have also some case where fadher was realesd from prison after the children confesd that they was lying.
So this writer say that men is modern times witch, if you understan what i meen.
intresting thaught on a very difficult issu, but i think it is easy that this thing can turn out to be a hunt .
Wher even some innocent is condemd.
This was only my thaughts late inn the swedish summer .