by Dia 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Adonai438

    Here's an interesting quote from the good 'ol WT itself on this:

    *** Watchtower March 1, 1966 p.132 Should Falsehood and Corruption Be Exposed? *** Therefore, how will you respond when pointed statements are made about false religious teachings and corrupt practices? Will you immediately condemn the person or organization making the expos? Do you feel it is all right to teach lies and misrepresent God's Word, but wrong to expose the error? Contrary to what some may think, it is not unkind and unloving to lay bare falsehood and corruption.

    *** Watchtower January 15, 1974 p.35 Can You Be True to God, Yet Hide the Facts? *** When persons are in great danger from a source that they do not suspect or are being misled by those they consider their friends, is it an unkindness to warn them? They may prefer not to believe the warning. They may even resent it. But does that free one from the moral responsibility to give that warning? If you are among those seeking to be faithful to God, the issues these questions raise are vital for you today.

    The WT says that merely speaking up about a problem is the right thing to do but in practice if the 'criminal' or 'offender' is a 'repentent ie: loyal to the WT' person then mentioning it is considered sowing discord and gosipping and is disfellowshippable.

    And in answer to the above: Jws go to their elders (although they claim to not have a clergy class) and confess all sins. Then the 'wise' sevants of Jehovah decide what the punishment should be. The punishment is based on how sorry you are. To a jw- Going to God isn't enough and God is not going to listen to them. Jesus is NOT the mediator for the commom Jw but only for their elite 144000 class. The common jw MUST go through the 144000 to get to God and disrespect or not going to them is considered disrespect to Jehovah and he will be angry.

    To bleep: Try reading the actual scripture for 'disfellowhipping' -- it lists very specific and serious sins that are 'df'ing offenses and most of the people that are dfed did none of these sins. In fact, the ones that did do those specific sins-- ie:Sexual immorality are welcomed into the congregation without even informing others while the victims are dfed for speaking up.

    My 2cents <>< Angie

  • Dia

    Bleep - Can you discern a difference between 'keeping the congregation clean' and 'keeping the image of the congregation clean'? Can you discern any difference in choosing one over the other? Can you think of any times when they might be mutually exclusive?

    Can you agree that a sinner can repent and reform just as well from inside a prison cell? Possibly more so, as they will daily face the fact of their sin/crime and its consequences?

    Can you agree that there is really no good reason to protect them from the consequences of their sin/crime? Can you see that you can pray for someone just as well while they're serving time?

    Can you see that the only thing that might suffer from a JW being forced to pay consequences would be the JW image?

    Adonai - thanks for a GREAT post!

    Edited by - Dia on 4 August 2002 8:18:47

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