Why don't people in the US, UK or Euro-Citizens know anything about Jehovah's Witness Pedophile Issues and lawsuits?

by MagicMItchJensen 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Driving Force
    Driving Force

    The JW's are an insignificant, minor, cult religion that simply does not come on to people's Radar.

    I agree wholeheartedly with this statement. A couple of weeks ago I had a conversation with someone who was quite knowledgeable about the press and their interaction with politicians, and basically neither politicians or the press are interested in JWs, they are simply too insignificant. I am in Germany BTW.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Why don't people know about JW child abuse?

    Because I've read that, allegedly, the WTS pays each victim hundreds of thousands of dollars in out-of-court settlements, thus buying their silence. Millions of dollars have been paid out this way.

    I also agree with the other, excellent, answers in this thread.

  • Billyblobber

    JWs are more like Protestant religions than Catholicism when it comes to that, in peoples' minds. People think of JWs as having offshoot congregations, so if abuse happens there, it's similar to abuse happening at a Baptist church - it doesn't reflect on the religion as much as that individual. Catholicism is thought of as more centralized with a direct leadership that controls the entire religion, so it reflects on the entire religion.

    The Society is good at playing off of that, as they basically wash their hands of anything done in a congregation so it doesn't reflect on the whole.

  • Vidiot

    cofty - "So might the postman or milkman or delivery driver."

    Maybe so, but the postman, milkman (are those even still a thing?) or delivery driver is a lot less likely to want to enter your home on a regular basis and convert you to their vocation.

  • cofty

    The problem with JWs in regard to pedophilia is their inadequate child protection policies and procedures.

    I don't think it helps to try to give the impression that there are a disproportionate number of pedophiles in the cult. There may be - opportunists are attracted to that sort of trusting environment. But I think it's better to focus on the real issue of how badly they deal with child welfare issues, putting PR before safety. I was a JW for over 30 years and never knowingly encountered a pedophile or heard word of one from other elders in the circuit.

  • Vidiot

    cofty - "I was a JW for over 30 years and never knowingly encountered a pedophile or heard word of one from other elders in the circuit."

    I guess up until the past decade or so, they were better able able to keep a lid on it.

  • cofty
    I don't think there was any less chance of reports being made to elders 20 or 30 years ago.
  • MagicMItchJensen

    Think about what Vidiot said, the following members "the milkman, postman, UPS" are on a time limit and really don't want to spend anymore time at your house than needed. Who wants to come inside your house and offer a "Free Bible Study" with anyone willing to listen?

    With more Witnesses leaving the "door to door" ministry in lieu for the stationary magazine rack missionary position, maybe all our concerns might dissispate? Your right when you say, their minor but again they have more access and trust from the constant conditioning by the Watchtower telling them "Your among brothers and sisters who care! Jehovah hand picks each elder, God's Organization is the best! It's Jehovah's Family!" mind control that allows more freedom to hurt children than regular churches.

    When parents put their kids in church camp, church get-away so their not watching over them, yes those churches now gain greater access but less than the mind control exerted by the Kingdom Hall!

  • freddo


    30 years ago the usual method of dealing with a reported child abuse situation was disbelief, minimizing and if believed to be true "think of the reproach on Jehovah if this gets out" ran through all dealings.

  • cofty
    So nothing has changed then.

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