After lurking around for some time decided to join. I've been df for 32 years...and glad for it.
I'd pretty much laid the JW stuff to rest until last year when my older sister, after years of absence from my life, made comment to me about "struggling with the truth." I took it upon myself to begin some research and have been "hooked" on these type forums since.
I've learned so much more about that filthy religion and the emotional fallout suffered by many. My history involved a great deal of mental illness and suicidal thinking. I'm glad that today I can truthfully say I'm no longer haunted by such thinking, but understand all too well the confusion and anguish many do suffer while coming to grips with that entire experience.
I believe that no matter how long one has been "out" or, how our stories differ, each have something of value to offer. Thank you for being here for me.