Say you didnt want to be in paradise would that mean you were anointed,because i never liked the idea of living in parklike surrounds,singing birds,waterfalls,etc. I mean i have grown up in the city and thats were i wanted to stay,so say didnt want to live in paradise what then.I remember someone thinkin that they were anointed because they had this feeling that they werent meant for the earth huh?
Did you want to live in paradise?
by haujobbz 12 Replies latest jw friends
You know, I don't really know if I ever wanted to live in paradise, it was just a belief that I had that seemed as sure to me as Sunday coming around every week. Know what I mean?.....
I often wonder how deeply rooted this belief was now that I have left. NEVER have I ever felt sad that I no longer have this "prize" to look forward to. NEVER.
I do remember wanting to be happy in the here and now and not feeling happiness. Always felt like I was striving for something better....something more. That was of thinking really was a thorn in my side for many years. It hasn't been until the past few years that I can say that I can honestly know what contentment is.
I no longer am afraid or uncertain of death though. I have a wonderful life now and feel as if I am living in a "paradise" now. I want or need for nothing. I have a sprituality that I never experienced when I was a dub.
Ice Blue
I love nature, and so the idea of paradise has certain appeal. The down side for me was the thought of having to go wherever God told me I must go - and living in that place with a whole bunch of other people. I have always been a loner and a bit of a drifter. Of course if I'd been given the opportunity of having a horse drawn gipsy style caravan maybe - just maybe it would have been more attractive!
That whole paradise bit is such a sham. I remember the day I was riding the bus to school, and up til then I'd been very opportunistic, just siding with whichever parent I happened to be with at the time... Well, my father had just converted, joining the dark side w/ my mom, and suddenly I found myself thinking about the paradise, thinking, "Wow, if that's true, then I've got to get my act together! I HAVE to do whatever I have to to live in paradise, forever!" All the nature scenes in the books, the peace and love, yeah, it all appealed to me. Suddenly, conveniently, since I had the opp to please *both* my parents all of a sudden. Not to mention the prospect of having pet monkeys or whatever. I swear that that whole load of crap is designed to trick *kids* into "believing."
A thousand years in a park-like setting with Jehovah's Witnesses running the show?
A thousand years in a perfect urban setting with Jehovah's Witnesses running the show?
A thousand years in a harem-like setting with Jehovah's Witnesses running the show?
A thousand years in ANY setting with Jehovah's Witnesses running the show?
I'd rather be dead.
Amen, Francois.
Personally, I think if Paradise ever came as JWs think, they would most likely be the minority in it. I would love it, as long as the JWs had nothing to do with it.
Lew W
Watchtower Decruit
I had always wanted to live in paradise - I was absolutely shattered when I found out it was a complete lie. But, you guys are correct - the idea of a JW paradise would be awful.
Oh yes I still want to live in a paradise forever. To think that I would never see anymore loved ones die, I could watch my children grow up happy, never see them suffer, yes paradise would be perfect. But like Francois said, not with JW's running the show, if there would be a paradise on earth I think God would let the truly meek inherit the earth, and as we know the majority of witnesses are not meek and certainly no better than my baptist , catholic or atheist neighbor. I think if there will be a paradise God will reveal to us his purpose and not leave us so in the dark.I can't blame anyone for thinking there is no God, I am not sure I do anymore, I think that even God would understand that.
I never wanted to go to heaven, but since I dont know what heaven is really like,I might like it better than earth. But I would like to be with my family for eternity no matter where we were. Earth is all I can see, hear and feel, it is real to me,,,, I love nature , I love earth human things. I hope there will be more life for us than just this one...... it is just not enough time to do all I want to do here.