I wonder whether catching your fish was as great a thrill as catching a big musky.
Look what I caught Friday...
by pomegranate 15 Replies latest jw friends
Golden Girl
Hey Pom...you need to post that on Tim's board in the Non- Religious board! I posted a article on the "Bull Shark " My Daughter and son in law just caught in Florida! I haven't seen the picture yet..It was aabout 300 pounds and they (four of them)had to fight it for about 4 hours!
How was the fish fry? Yummy!
Golden Girl.....aka Snoozy
Edited by - Golden Girl on 30 July 2002 18:54:26
Holy Shit!! Frank wins...take a look at the size of this BABY!!
I believe this may be Bertha the Biggest Ass of All Bass.
Unbelievable <shaking head in amazment>
Yeah Snoozy, I've heard sharks can be a challenge...ugh.
My buddy wants to try a Giant Tuna run...that's a trip way out thar in the big sea. Yikes!!
Hey Frank, edit your post and remove the X pic box. It's path is accessing everyone's A drives.
See ya!
Thats no way to handle your relatives.