"When asked to clarify he said: "Because it's (abortion) always a destruction of human life," the paper reported. "
And child molestion doesnt ruin lifes? How many children that have been molested go on to molesting, or become so emotionally and mentally distressed that their lives are never the same....What of the family members who have to deal with often times the fact the offender is one of their own family much less a "trusted" member of the church.... Yes i agree that abortion is a destruction of human life but so is child molestation, and in gods eyes a sin is a sin, no question.
It sounds like a pretty stupid thing to say, and I should add that G. Pell isn't noted for smooth elocution - it's not the first time he's been displayed like that. Nevertheless, what was the context?, was he questioned or did he just come out with some sin comparisons to deviate the conversation?
It sounds like a stupid thing to say, as both sins are repugnant and both have varying degrees of rejection of God. In the context of "sin in society", I suppose that abortion is a worse problem, in the sense that it's "normal" to accept it, whereas opinion about child abuse is hardly divided.
I suppose you could say that the most complete type of rejection is a blasphemous denial of sin even being wrong.
I'm Pro-choice (had to get that out of the way). I'm actually for mandatory sterilization after X number of kids but that is another political issue.
I'm not surprised at all by the Bishops comment. He is towing the corp. line. Once the church has its mind made up about an issue they are the same as the GB. It is a directive from God. Only difference being it usually takes the church a few hundred years to change and they sometimes will apologize for their actions. Nothing really amazing about the comments but people who are rational can rip them a new one. To the believer this is the in one ear out the other kind of thing.
Sorry if I offended you Stinkypantz. Perhaps I should have chosen the term 'irrational' over the flippant/candid term, 'stupid'. I wasn't trying to insult anyone. I was just giving my opinion.
I think the question is impossible to answer by anyone but the victim. And in most cases, no one can talk to the victims of abortion. (I say most, because there are some survivors, you know).