The Demon of Saskatchewan

by RunningMan 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • plmkrzy

    Daniel was appointed by a King himself to foretell the future due to his incredible accuracy. So Daniel while working for the government and holding a high position (counsel to the King himself) was at the time also in good, no actually, EXCELLENT standing with Jehovah at the very same time. In fact according the story, the reason Daniel was appointed to serve to serve the King, with such a high honor, was done so because Jehovah manipulated it to be that way. He found favor with Daniel and rewarded him by making sure that he landed a damn good career and the only condition was that he remember who got him the job in the first place and NEVER put the human Kings desires before Jehovahs. (you can work for all other king's but you cannot worship them) You can even BE a king as long as you do not insult God whilst you are a King.

    Today in this country that would include being President. In Canada Premiere

    This Bible story tells ME, maybe not anyone else, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with working for your government and neither is there anything wrong with holding a high position in government as long as you don't forget whom to put first. Gods laws always Vito mans laws. If you could find a way to run a country without violating Gods laws then go for it. Nothing in the Bible says otherwise not anything that I have ever read.

    Thats what I take the book of Daniel to be. Nothing other then a reference book, something for those who have a desire to follow Bible principals to use when establishing a foundation to build their career's on.

    One way to check out this theory it fairly easy. All you have to do is a short research on people who maintain positions of authority or prominence with their careers. Then compare notes about thier charactor and values. Then see who comands the greatest respect. I can be interesting if, that is something that interests you.

    Oh and about the demons in high places. There was a survey done several years ago regarding members of the church of Satan holding prominent positions in state and government offices. This included a Judge appointed to Superior Court who was a member of the church of Satan.

    So maybe thats what Daniel was talking about.

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