I've never done this before, but BTTT
by AMNESIAN 25 Replies latest jw friends
I've never done this before, but BTTT
Hi Amnesian: Your points about Barbara are well stated. I have known her for some time now, and I can say that she is very sharp, and far ahead of the brain-dead men whom she had to work under. The NBC Dateline program did not give enough attention to Barbara or the dynamnic material she had, and was part of the original filming, but later cut. I sincerely hope that Dateline will do a follow-up story centered on Barbara and the damning evidence she presents.
Well said, as usual, Amnesian. I love your posts. And especially here's to you, Barbara. Those articles that came out in 1982 and 1983 saved my life and the life of the females and males in my family. It gave me the ammunition to shoot down not one but 2 BOEs and to free us from the bondage to the past and present.
I am sure that whatever loss this brings to you and your family, Barbara, what you gain is worth much, much more.
A tribute well deserved, Mrs. Anderson and Family!
You are to be congratulated for a job well done. We hope that most if not all of your relatives see understand and appreciate what you went through to stay with your conscience and do what you knew was right.
I and all others want a time of contented restful satisfying life for you and yours.
After this ordeal you deserve and certainly earned it.
Here, Hear!
Raising a glass to Barbara with thanks!
*big sigh* all right *mopes*, Dear Mrs Anderson, even though you're a GIRL, you're alright in my book. *heavy sigh*
MORE of the same kudos to Barbara...........after our chat Barbara, I realized that the dread I have been feeling about the organization was really justified, and I felt VERY sad that once again, the organization has lost one of the best and brightest. HOW stupid can one bunch of men be when they have the brains to right the ship but will not listen to them because they are not on the GB, or are a woman, or it conflicts with current stupid ideas and heaven knows, the org can NEVER say we made a mistake, can you forgive us.
That is the irony; if they were just to contritely say, we made a big mistake and we are changing our policy, I know that most would say wow this is truly God's organization. But like an unrepentant sinner, they throw out people like Barbara, Bill and Joe.
I Kinda like killing the prophets, huh?
Very well put!
Do they ever run out of dumb men - and even dumber
women to run this sick cult? Look, if the elders are
brain dead thralls, what does that make the wives, etc.
who must "submit" and bury their intelligence daily?