Well the kids are home from thier summer in MN and are tucked in (My) bed for the night. LOL Guess I will sleep in Nikkis room.
Anyway, mom and I talked and she wants the kids back for the summer again next year. My mom and my sister also told me that my grandmother brought up something I said when I was last up there. I don't remember saying it but she said that I told her when I left there to move back here(I was 18) that I told her I was never going back. She said I was true to my word.
Anyway, mom said she doesn't want to drive next time and the kids will be going by way of airoplane and I will be going also to make sure they get there safe. I will be there even if only for the weekend.
Soooooo, if any of you other Minnesotians are still posting by next summer when I go. I wouldn't mind getting together. I'll post about it again before the school year lets out so we can plan something.