hands up ex-pioneers

by sleepy 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    So how many here were pioneers?

    Ha Ha Ha

    I used up my teenage years pioneering, good thing I didn't go to college or university I could be well educated and in a good job.poo.

    Kind of ironic how the "spiritualy weak" actually got the best deal.

    Edited by - sleepy on 31 July 2002 8:47:20

  • Hmmm

    Right out of High School.

    I'm sure glad I didn't waste my youth going to college, getting a good job, and starting a family like the rest of decieved mankind.

  • Dutchie

    Pioneered for 10 years.

    Mis-spent my youth going from door to door.

    Didn't enter university until late '20's.

  • WildTurkey

    I Pioneered for a year, 86 - 87

  • Matty

    Does a regular auxillary count?

  • Gopher

    I worked full-time out of high school. Went part time and pioneered for PART of a year in 1986. Never since.

  • The_Bad_Seed

    Aux Pioneer - one month of my life in the borg during spring break, only managed to get 19 hours in, an all time record for me.

  • Undecided

    Pioneered in my teens during school break, then after graduation until my father died, had to go to work to support myself and mother since my dad, like most good JWs didn't have any life insurance, you know the idea, Armageddon is comming soon. My mom could live on the least amount of money of anyone I ever knew.

    I tried it again later in life but didn't last a year.

    Ken P.

  • hillary_step

    Fifteen years, some as a Special.


  • sleepy

    Matty sorry regular-aux don't count.Oh ok then yes they do , actually I was only a regular aux .

    So then what did you do to count your time, at what time exactly would you count?

    I would start time from first door knocked to last, and then minus any breaks.I used to find the calls that were spread furthest out and walk to them, even thought I knew they probably werent going to be in.

    I had trouble doing many RV's as I never believed anyone was that intrested, which made it hard to get my time in.

    Now I can see that the whole idea of counting time was stupid.If anytime was to be counted it should have been from the time I washed and put my suit on to the time I took it off.I wish I'd thought of that then.

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