Well it looks like I find myself in the middle of the JW battlefield once again fighting the Borg for nothing less then the soul of my younger son. Many months ago I had forbidden my full-blown dub wife from bringing my young boy to cult programming, I mean meetings anymore. At issue was the shunning and blood issue. Some of you may recall that I had a nice discussion with my wifes PO and basically he agreed that as the so-called head, it was within my rights to keep him from attending. When he is old enough, like 18+ Ill let him make up his own mind to join a suicide cult.
I today found out that someone, one of "the friends" has secretly been taking him to some of the meetings behind my back. However, I am unable to find out whom.
For the most part, I have let my wife have her dub friends over and made nice nice. In fact I have done lots of favors for some of them over the years and each and every one has been treated well, however it seems this is about to end.
I told my wife that I want to talk to whoever is sneaking behind my back and explain my stance and if they dont agree to cool it, then they are not welcome in my home.
Am I being unreasonable here? I didnt think so.
Now get this: My wife is about to tell each any everyone of her dub friends that I said they are not welcome in my home, not at all what I said. She said Im not telling you who has been taking him because I dont want you picking on them and then again blurted out "I am telling everyone you said they are not welcome".
I said thats what YOU are saying, not what I am saying. I couldnt resist and just had to blurt out, "using Theocratic War Strategy I see"! She said this is not TWS. I said you are lying about what I said or meant. She however insisted that it is not lying and it doesnt matter what I said, this is what she is telling everyone.
So I guess now I will be marked and shunned over what is in reality a boldface lie. And as a bonus I get to have one more thing between my wife and me, yes one more thing to put further strains on our marriage. With that in mind I really would like to take a trip to Brooklyn New York and beat the living S*IT out of a few old men in diapers that have programmed my wife and son with this bulls*it.
So please tell me any JW apologist out there, tell me again about what wonderful traits your so-called Bible based training brings out in people. Tell me defenders of the indefensible how your wonderful organization doesnt breakup families.