The family study: 1. Whatever book was in vogue at the time
plus 2. WT prestudy (that was worse because I knew I had to do it again!)
by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends
The family study: 1. Whatever book was in vogue at the time
plus 2. WT prestudy (that was worse because I knew I had to do it again!)
Hey Mulan I was thinking 'Elder Discussion Panals' OMG shoot me!!!!
Those were the worst.....or the fake families, they'd assign a family part to an elder that didn't have kids, so they'd borrow some other kids. boring boring boring!!!
TMS was sooo painful omg Bible highlights and review what the hell were they thinking!!!! ohh and if the Introduction talk was on the same book it was like the same boring thing 3 times in a row!!!!!
I liked written review, although it was always the least attended night of the meetings, followed only be the meeting following and assembly or convention--too much spiritual food *blugh* We would always race and see who could get done the soonest with the memorized answeres
t, f, f, f, t, t, f, t, f, t, t, f
The sunday talks about science and creation v. evolution would literally make me writhe when I was in college and learning things that completely contradicted what these poor, uneducated guys were trying to say. They weren't necessarily bad guys, just completely ignorant of the scientific subjects they were discussing. Nobody in the audience knew enough to catch the wrongness of it all, either. Stupid, stupid, willfully ignorant people!
And any talk about the Trinity... useless, meaningless, stupid, and irrelevant to my life!!!
Now, the meeting I hate the most is the Service Meeting, followed by the Book Study. Then the Ministry School and Watchtower Study and Public Talk. And meetings for field service. Did I forget any other meetings?
All of them, for sure.
Sunday morning Watchtower study was a real grueling episode of 'is it going to go over time again?'
We'd have some Watchtower meetings that would go over 15-30 minutes. That became so exhausting.
The talk prior, could be good sometimes depending upon the brother's ability to keep us awake, but sometimes you'd get one who could knock you out cold .
Glad that's all over with.
My practice has been that when the Bookstudy Overseer goes overtime, I give him 2 extra minutes. Then I get up and leave. And I don't care what people do or say. They know that I'm leaving because of my thinking that no one should go overtime because it's rude. So, I can be rude too.
The most boring meeting was the Watchtower study, because we'd already studied the damn thing "as a family" on Saturday. Second most boring was the book study -- one excruciating hour in someone's dank basement, usually talking about some bloody beast with too many heads and not enough crowns. Ugh. The ministry schools were usually pretty boring, third in my list, since that was usually when the most unskilled public speakers were given a turn on the stage, only to be corrected by the most ungrammatical train wreck of a school overseer I've ever known ("That was a very well job tonight, Brother Inarticulate!"). After that, public talks, which probably would have ranked higher on my list if I hadn't typically been assigned parking lot security duty for that hour (something I volunteered for with unfailing regularity). The least boring, then, was the service meeting, only because we actually did have a few brothers who were nearly competent speakers and who tried, in however pathetic a fashion, to inject some light humor into this meeting.
Conventions and Assemblies = opportunities to catch up on sleep & check out "sisters" from other congregations -- so I didn't mind those quite SO much.
Theocratic School/Servive meeting.
For one thing..... it's in the evening and it's two hours long.
Opening comments for service meeting: ( usually performed by a scared shitless MS )
"Well, brothers and's nice you could stay for the second half of the meeting tonight.
(1) We would like to remind all of you to turn in your time tonight if you haven't already done so already.
(2) There will be a special magazine day on the 23rd so do not forget to order extra magazines tonight as this will be the last chance you have to do so.
(3) If you will now turn to page 2 of your KM, we will cover some points from "Theocratic News"...........( heres where the REAL boring part begins)....
" in rhawanda........the brothers are reporting a 100% increase......(they had one publisher and now theres two)
" in uraguay the brothers are happy to report 162,000 hours spent preaching the Good News which is a 4% increase over last year!
Usually by this time.....9 children have been spanked in the bathroom, 6 brothers have gotten up to take a piss, half the congregation is sleeping with drool hanging off their lip, and the scared shitless MS is headed to the bathroom, as soon as his part is over, to wipe the poo poo from his shorts from stage soon as the 6 brothers get out of the bathroom
A dead heat between the Convention Review on the SM and the Script talks at the DC.
Hey Gumby, You got that MS role down! ....Ozzie, the convention review is worst than ever because now you do it 6 months later. Who the hell is going to remember anything that long ago......umm, what was I saying?