(Quote, messiah christ jesus) - "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but "MY FATHER ONLY" <--That's proof that christ is not god, Cause if christ was infact god,'dont you think he would know about the coming of his kingdom, Also Christ said" MY FATHER ONLY" , um He said my father, therefore Christ is the son of god, Infact !!!CHRIST PRAYED TO GOD!!!<---you cant ignore that.. All this Cometh str from the bible, and the bible tongues has/been change, but no the Words, everything is true.. So prove me Wrong, um you cant, so pay attention....
Explain this then
by Legendary U.2.K. 51 Replies latest watchtower bible
Legendary U.2.K.
Also.. If God came in the flesh(which the/700club, another ignorant group follows, said's, God got "RENICARNATED" In the flesh of christ, lolllooloolooooool), And it's a fact that christ prayed to god, therefore, if people believe that christ is god, you trying to tell me, "GOD WAS PRAYING TO HIS OWN CREATION? HAHAHAHAHA, Again, if anybody believe that christ is god, you surely is part of satan...
What do you think praying is, some kind of mystical worship???
Can't a guy have a conversation with, or about, his dad without someone disecting his comments?
I don't think you'll find many people who disagree that Father and Son are two persons.
(Seeing how many times I can edit this before someone comments...)
(...but got bored, so I'm stopping this silly game...)
(...Some days I think I need to grow up, but then it is nearly the weekend!)
Facial hair poll: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=33229&site=3
Edited by - LittleToe on 2 August 2002 10:0:50
Edited by - LittleToe on 2 August 2002 10:2:48
Edited by - LittleToe on 2 August 2002 10:3:52
Edited by - LittleToe on 2 August 2002 10:4:51
Edited by - LittleToe on 2 August 2002 10:5:33
Edited by - LittleToe on 2 August 2002 10:6:0
Edited by - LittleToe on 2 August 2002 10:6:46
Edited by - LittleToe on 2 August 2002 10:7:44
Edited by - LittleToe on 2 August 2002 10:8:42
Edited by - LittleToe on 2 August 2002 10:9:33
Legendary U.2.K.
you still did'nt answer my Q.. Tell me who christ was praying to? No bs, just tell me....Cause It is true that christ and his father are one, not the same person, just like father and son like, But christiainity teach that, God came in the flesh on earth as jesus, and is it not a fact the christ was praying to his father, so if Jesus is really the creator of the heavens are earth, and all that, that dwelleth in the earth, god was praying to his own creation, hahahahahaha......
Jesus could have been praying to himself, as far as prayer goes. It's not a problem.
You get your spirituality from a book publishing company, instead of from the spirit. Jesus, being a spiritual master, realized that he was god. Many other spiritual adepts have discovered also that god is all things. Why do you think jesus at times also called others gods. They didn't understand, as you don't. Even the guys who wrote this stuff down in what is today called the gospels, didn't get it. You should start meditationg on god. It's a good start in finding truth. Seeing that you post here, you must have overcome your fear of demons to an extent.
Edited by - saintsatan on 2 August 2002 10:52:5
"MY FATHER ONLY" <---- This is proof that christ is not god, Cause if christ was infact god,'dont you think he would know about the coming of his kingdom,
That is not even a bible Quote! 3 words and you get it wrong.
This in proof of nothing, Jesus LOWERED himself to position of a slave, I think it is you who don't know what his kingdom is.
Jon 15:15
No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my father I have made known to you.You need to look up the word pray, it's not worship it's: ask, request, talk.
John 8
23 He said to them, "You are from below, I am from above; you are of this world, I am not of this world. 24 I told you that you would die in your sins, for you will die in your sins unless you believe that I am he." 25 They said to him, "Who are you?" Jesus said to them, "Even what I have told you from the beginning. 26 I have much to say about you and much to judge; but he who sent me is true, and I declare to the world what I have heard from him." 27 They did not understand that he spoke to them of the Father. 28 So Jesus said, "When you have lifted up the Son of man, then you will know that I am he, and that I do nothing on my own authority but speak thus as the Father taught me. 29 And he who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what is pleasing to him." 30 As he spoke thus, many believed in him.John 14
7 If you had known me, you would have known my Father also; henceforth you know him and have seen him." 8 Philip said to him, "Lord, show us the Father, and we shall be satisfied." 9 Jesus said to him, "Have I been with you so long, and yet you do not know me, Philip? He who has seen me has seen the Father; how can you say, 'Show us the Father'?"RENICARNATED"
:to incarnate again
a : to give bodily form and substance to b (1) : to give a concrete or actual form to : Actualize (2) : to constitute an embodiment or type of <no one culture incarnates every important human value Denis Goulet>Are YOU trying to FOOL me?
Again with the pray! Look it up, i pray you.And it's a fact that Christ prayed to God, therefore, if people believe that christ is god, you trying to tell me, "GOD WAS PRAYING TO HIS OWN CREATION?
But you say if Christ is the logos, in his praying he was praying to (his father) "his own creation" now you call God the father a creation. I'll say nothing about this.Cause It is true that Christ and his father are one, not the same person
wow! That's too confusing best not to think about it. lol -
I HATE Trinity arguments. Did when I was a J-dub, and do now.
It's like running on a treadmill and expecting to get somewhere.
(If someone else wants to argue about it that's okay -- just had to put in my $.02 here.)
<<editing Little Toe into oblivion>>
Along with Gopher, I too have reached the conclusion that arguing Trinity issues is useless, except for some cerebral endorphin pleasure it may provide to sociologically retarded people like me! I feel this way for 2 reasons:
1) God is infinite, I am finite, and even if the Bible was 10,000,000,000,000,000 pages of divinely inspired revelation it still could not provide me with a complete comprehension of God;
2) Who or what God is (doctrinally speaking) does not affect my daily life. I pray to Jesus, I pray to Yahweh, I pray to God, I pray to Jehovah. I have no doubt that my prayers are heard, and that He is aware of my existence and hears my prayers. That's good enough for me.
OTOH, I am currently involved in an online debate with a Baptist seminary student re: the divinity of Christ, which will be published in the Christian Tool Chest Magazine. I am taking the devil's advocate position to "prove" that Jesus is not God. (Ah, can really feel those endorphins flowing now).
Best regards,
Out of curiosity, have you ever prayed to the Holy Spirit?
Is that debate going to be online?U2K:
I did answer your question, you just weren't listening, as usual. I put it as simply as I could, but you still didn't understand.Everyone else:
Nice points.Facial hair poll: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=33229&site=3
Legendary U.2.K.
Yea that's right saintsatan, christ Was praying to himself lmao... After Reading all these silly comments, And after hearing so many ignorant stories and so forth.. Again I'm not part if This so call "christianity(whatever thAt is lol).. I separate myself from billions, and i continue to at laugh at the World and all it's ungodly ignorance..... I have no religion, and Religion dont concern me(i know something billions cant even comprehend)..... Btw, It's common sense to understand that God our loving Creator Is not Jesus, Jesus is The prophet Sent by God, Savior, Lord, Son of God, messiah..Y'all can believe What y'all want, The Trinity Does not Exist, and those that believeth on it, Will fall on armageddon, & under thy sun is where you goeth...... "!!!I LAUGH AT BILLIONS!!!!"