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by zev 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • zev

    'nough said, right?

    so, whats up for your friday nite, my fellow 'postates?

    whatchya doing to chill/relax/unwind?

  • FriendlyFellaAL

    Not much planned here. I'll probably kick back and watch "Coupling" on BBC America then play a bit of Everquest before hitting the sack.

    Yes, things are exciting here. LOL!


  • ozziepost

    Ahh, the weekend's arrived!!

    Don't have to get up early and make sure the kids are dressed in European business suits for a religious meeting at the Kingdom Hall.

    Instead, look what there is to look forward to: Just relax, enjoy good fellowship, give thanks for life, read the Sunday paper..................and read Ozzie's Weekend Poll #14!!!!!!

    Cheers, Ozzie

    Freedom means not having to wear a tie.

  • Princess

    I am baking pecan pies and cleaning my house and backyard for the apostafest! Wooohooo!!!!!!!!

    The forecast has changed a bit and looking good for Saturday. I am also looking forward to finally being in town for Ozzie's weekend poll! I've missed the last three to vacations.


  • eyegirl

    looking forward to consuming some adult beverages and cutting loose--weeeeehaaaaaaaaaa!!!

  • TR

    Tonight I'll be getting the dirt bikes ready for a ride this weekend with my bro and my son. Speaking of the weekend, I'll be picking up my daughter Saturday at the airport from her trip to England.


  • ozziepost

    G'day Rachel,

    They've been a bit serious these past couple of weeks. The Writing Department are aware of the burden on the brotherhood and so a simplification will be introduced in the next poll. Writing Department have lovingly provided a fun poll again. It behooves you all to avail yourselves of this loving provision.

    Have a great time trhis weekend. We're thinking of you all.

    Cheers, Ozzie

    Freedom means not having to wear a tie.

  • LizardSnot

    I'm going to sip on some camomile tea and get into the 2nd half of my A+ certification study book.


  • zenpunk

    A new pub opened walking distance from my house. I plan on becoming a good customer...

  • Dawn

    Going to the car races tonight!

    MOPAR RULES!! Ok - just had to say that for hubby.........but I prefer my firebird over his Mopars

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