Some of you have seen my previous postings on this ongoing battle I am having for the heart and soul of my loved ones, a battle now focused on my 13-yearold. Here is part two.
* See Theocratic War Strategy at my house link below
BTW in case anyone should wonder, no I'm not a nut job that wants to tell the most intimate details of their life to obtain some sick kind of satisfaction like the crazies on Jerry Springer. I'm a normal guy with a wife, 2 kids, a dog etc. however, I am publicly posting this most private information because I want people to see how absolutely horrible the real Watchtower Bible and Track Society is and the things it forces even good people to do. If I can save even one single person the horror my family has had to endure, I will die a happy man.
My wife if far from an evil person, and I love her dearly, but unfortunately we were young, we were foolish, and we joined a CULT thinking it was Christianity. We raised our two children in this cult and that is all they ever knew. I smartened up a bit and realize the Watchtower for what it really is, she has not.
In the interim her elderly and now somewhat ill parents have moved in with us. Not that I mind them living with us, but they too will be affected by whatever happens with our marriage. And speaking of marriage, mine has lasted more then twenty years but may be going down in flames as the Watchtower Cult drives us apart.
I received a lot of good suggestions from many posters, even from some who have gone through this type of thing before. For better or worse I have taken some action. I have worked out a number of scenarios and have checked to see what my legal options are should it go that far. I will now share with you the letter I handed my wife yesterday before she left for the meeting. I have not heard anything back yet so I dont know what effect if any it has had.
The names have been deleted, but its pretty much what I gave her to read. Some will think Im a jerk showing her some of my battle plan in advance, maybe I am. I am hoping she wakes up and realizes what she is doing before its too late.
For better for worse here it is:
(My wifes name),
I thought putting things down in writing would be better as there is less ambiguity in the written word and less chance for emotions to flare which only serve to obscure the issue anyway. Since you by your course of actions have decided to usurp my headship in such a major way, I will point out some facts to you and the possible consequences of your continued wrong course. What you do from then on is entirely up to you.
I have made my reasons quite clear to you previously as respects (my sons name) active participation and further indoctrination, some of which I consider to not only be anti-social (SHUNNING), but more importantly, dangerous to his health (BLOOD) in certain circumstances. I have calmly and rationally explained my position to (overseers name), your Presiding Overseer and was assured personally by him that my actions of disallowance with regard to (my son's name) subsequent participation, although not favored by him, were well within my rights.
(My wifes name), perhaps you missed the Watchtower of August 15, 2002. The question from readers is: "what guidance do the Scriptures provide about child training when one parent is one of Jehovah's Witnesses and the other is not?"
It contains the following paragraph:
"However, the unbelieving husband might insist that his children practice his religion, taking them to his place of worship and giving them religious education according to his faith. Or a husband may be opposed to all religion and insist that that his children receive no religious education. As the head of the family, he is the one primarily responsible for making the decision ."
Then again perhaps as it seems you pick and choose what rules to follow. I have no problem with that, but just dont expect me to not point out your hypocrisy.
Anyone and everyone of your friends, many whom I consider to also be my friends have been welcome in my home and you cant truthfully state otherwise, however I do draw the line at having my rights as a parent and head of my household usurped. Perhaps someone was ignorant of my stance, but I doubt it, and even if that were true, YOU ARE NOT IGNORANT OF MY STANCE, ARE YOU?
If anyone wishes to continue to disregard and undermine my natural roll with respect to my children, they can consider themselves no longer welcome in my home and I dont want them to have any contact with my children, or me for that matter. Should they try, things will become unpleasant quite quickly.
And since you wont identify who has been sneaking around my back, so I can bring this matter up with them, then it is quite likely at some point in time I will likely be forced into the next level of actions necessary to preserve my parental rights.
What has been going on is shameful, what a rotten example you and whomever you are working with is showing our son. You are showing him to disrespect his father and reject my ultimate parental authority, authority which even your own PO said he respects.
(My wifes name), although you pretend in public you are the injured party, you and I both know you are doing something very wrong. (My wifes name), you are escalating animosity and friction over these issues, and I see nothing good coming from this.
For everyones sake I hope you dont force my hand. My subsequent actions, although legal will be quite embarrassing for both you and me and many people connected with us as it will become VERY PUBLIC, very quickly! I hope I am not forced into such overt actions, none of which I will discuss with you prior to implementation, but that is something not under my control, it is under your control.
And finally should you continue in this wrong course even after that, things might escalate to what would likely be a final level. Should this come to pass, you should know that I have inquired into legal actions that will need to be taken to protect my rights and that of my minor child.
I have found a highly experienced legal team, who among their primary qualifications are their familiarity and winning track record with child welfare issues and parental rights issues in connection with teachings of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, even having numerous Watchtower documents in their library often used as evidence in such court cases.
Yes (my wifes name) I am willing to invest thousands of dollars, loose my home, in fact everything I own and my future earnings too, as my childs future and well-being is at stake. Further I am even willing to wavier custodial rights to a court appointed third party (i.e. child welfare authorities) should this become necessary to remove my minor child from an environment where he would in all likelihood be denied necessary life saving medical treatments should they ever become necessary.
The dollar figures I have been quoted for this legal action to preserve my parental rights is to say the least substantial. Should you and/or others working on your behalf force me into such a position, and I sincerely hope you wont as I absolutely dont wish this, I will use all assets at my disposal (my wifes name), everything.
And unfortunately this will impact on other innocent people such as your parents as there will likely be no money for a mortgage and you know what the consequences of that are dont you? And although I do not wish any Ill will to them, the safety and security of my child comesfirst and foremost above everything else.
Lastly the financial impact on as of yet unnamed other parties involved may be substantial as I am told they too could become part of a series of legal actions.
I have spent a long time writing this and I do not put these words down as a threat but as factually based expectations of what could and likely would happen should you decide to continue in this wrong course.
I love you and sincerely wish no harm to come to you, however I will not let any affections I have for you override my responsibilities to the welfare of my children.
(my name)
re-edited to correct format errors
Edited by - freeman on 2 August 2002 11:48:21
Edited by - freeman on 2 August 2002 12:6:8