This is what I was always told of ones coming into the org. and then leaving again. As a dog returning to its own vomit. My question is, if you were born and raised in the "truth" and left then to return later, is that considered returning to ones vomit? Or does that not apply to returning to the org? Just a thought.
Dogs returning to its own vomit.
by KKLUV155 10 Replies latest jw friends
no honorable way out
No, that would be returning to somebody else's vomit.
I had this thrown at me, but used the line that you just stated, because I was birthed into the troof.
The looks I got were astounding. They obviously hadn't thought it through, as it rolled off their tongue.
I've heard that saying before. This is the way I look at it. I vomited on my way out. he he So I just had to get away from the stinch. yucky nasty and P-U
After having been raised (very happily, I might add) as a Witness, I was 1st df'd (for apostasy, 1980) 18 yrs after being baptized. I was reinstated 2 years later, so that I could be with the family and friends I lost (all JWs). I was again df'd 18 yrs later (again, for apostasy, 2000). This time, they will follow me, or they have lost.
Proverbs 26:11 "As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly." As Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary notes: "As a dog returneth to his vomit, [w]ho being sick with what he has eaten, casts it up again, and afterwards returns unto it and licks it up; [so] a fool returneth to his folly, or "repeats" it...or a wicked man turns to his wickedness, who, having had some qualms upon his conscience for sin, for a while forsakes it; but that fit being over, and he forgetting all his former horror and uneasiness, returns to his old course of life: a wicked man is here compared to a dog, as he is elsewhere for his impudence and voraciousness in sinning; and the filthiness of sin is expressed by the vomit of a dog, than which nothing is more nauseous and loathsome; and the apostasy of the sinner, from an external course of righteousness into open profaneness is signified by the return of this creature to it."
There are non-foolish, non-sinful, non-disgusting, non-profane, non-wicked reasons why someone might go back to being a dub (or any other religion, for that matter), and each person must decide for themselves if those reasons are good and sufficient. If, after such personal consideration, they decide to rejoin, then I suggest that we should not thereby consider them as vomit-eating fools.
drahcir yarrum
I once saw a guy passed out drunk face down in his own vomit, but he never returned to it.
Once again the Dubs have to go on a labelling and name-calling spree! Hey, that's just about the only fun part of being Assimilated, you get to call non-Assimilants all sorts of dirty names!
Yes, they believe they have the only ticket to salvation. They believe that everyone else is doomed. It is okay to gossip, spread rumours, call people bad names (evil, wicked, apostate, goats), develop pharisaical rules, have a hierarchy in their ranks ..... and then put on the sweet clothes and go door to door and talk about love and the evils of other religions......
Who is the one spewing vomit??
: This is what I was always told of ones coming into the org. and then leaving again. As a dog returning to its own vomit.
Such loaded language is frequently used by dubs and their leaders without actually thinking about what they are saying. (What else is new?) Of course, the expression ASSUMES without a single shred of evidence is that people are living in vomit as long as they are not dubs. How do WT leaders justify such an assertion? That's easy: they justify it by saying it must be true because they SAID it is true.
If I were ever to return to such idiocy, you'd see more vomit hurling out of me than you'd ever care to see. In fact, I'm getting nauseous just thinking about that notion, so you'll have to excuse me.
I need to vomit.