I chose to remain cloaked as to my true identity for now. WHY? Because the Watchtower Trolls who lurk here need to eat fresh meat. I will not be a quick and easy disfellowship assignment for the local boys. Brooklyn Bullies dig in for a long list of clues as to who I am. You thugs wronged me in another life and I am steamed about it all. Pay close attention to all my posts for clues. First of all I am a third generation Borg/witness, was an Elder for 7 years, was an Ministerial Servant for 7 years. My father is an Elder, two brothers are Elders, one of them being a Circut Overseer in a third World country, my sister is married to an elder. My father is a very important Figurehead in your Company/Organization, and his position will be revealed at a later time. Between myself and my wife we have been in 16 different congergations, as a old Circut Overseer said '' same old stories with different names.'' I am in my mid forties and we both left in 97. I have served as chairman at a Circut Assembly had Circut Assembly parts, ran food stands when we used to do all that kind of stuff. Not trying to brag or boast, but I WAS USED in other assignments as well. I don't want to give the hit/men too much information at once. My wife Regular Pioneered for almost 3 years prior to and a little after our being married. I Have tried to forgive and forget, and I DID up until the 78th time I feel. Now I am going to shoot my arrows of THE REAL TRUTH begining from my early boyhood day's. My grandfather was contacted by a woman who he refered to as ''Old Lady Reeves''. He accepted literature and began reading and was convinced he had found the answers to all life's problems. He would read every night after dark by the light coming from an oil lantern. He never became babtized, although my mother and grandmother did. Grandfather liked his wine a little too much and was an alcoholic. Our disfunctional family needed a security blanket and they found and accepted all the love bombing of the borganization. My dad married my mom and moved to Califorina, he did a 4 year stint in the navy, left the navy, studied, babtized, and I was born 1 year later the oldest of 4 children. Dad was a ball of fire who later became the Congergation Overseer in a predominantly black congergation. In fact there were only 4 white family's in the entire congeration. I Think that experience has honestly helped me from ever becoming prejudiced, one of the very few things that taught me anything. However I have too many witness friends telling racial joke's, Elders, Circuit Oveerseers and Pioneers and that is not right for anyone in the borginzation. Worldwide Brotherhood of Loving brothers and sisters practice what you preach. Remember that I said I became upset and left after the 78th time, as I relate our experiences I will number them. This being NO. 1. Here comes my NO. 2 arrow of being upset. When I was in the second grade I remember dad and mom having words about how mom had forgot the ''hair oil'' for all us little boy's heads and dad hops in the car with my little brother who was 2 years younger than me and me to get that precious hair oil. Well on the way back we were struck from the right by a car in a open intersection with no stop signs. As a result I was thrown to the windshield , I took serveral stitches to my forehead and my left leg was broken rather severely above the knee and below my hip. My younger brother also hit the windshield and was knocked out for 2 days. So we both took glass to the head, however I got to spend 6 months recovering in a body cast, had to use a bed pan to elinimate body waste, I had the start of gangreen devolope in my left heel as a result of the cast. A few more days in that cast and I would have been an amputee. As a result of dad tearing off in a huff, mad at mom, as it was saturday morning and we needed to be greased for field service, here is the rest of the story as Paul Harvey says. Two automobiles were totaled, both adult drivers suffered minor injuries, two small boys were seriously injured and as a result of this accident I have one leg that is about 3/4 inch longer than the other one resulting in a lifelong accompanyment of pain to my back and leg and I walk with a limp to this day. AND GOD WATCHED his servants get t-boned that morning!. I will try to shoot arrow NO.3 tomorrow. Thank's Randy for allowing us to vent!
My Story Part 1
by Robinhood 23 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Robinhood. Interesting name! Welcome to the board, and hope you'll enjoy posting here and perhaps meeting new friends.
I too am a 3rd-generation JW in his 40's. I served as pioneer and MS at times. You've really been "around the block" with this organization.
BTW, the name of our gracious host is Simon. He created this discussion board and continues to
put up with our shenaniganshost it.I look forward to your next installment(s).
Welcome Robinhood.
Elders' stories are particularly interesting to me. I would very much like to hear more.
Ice Blue
Hi Robin
Thank you for posting. I too hold on to some anonimity, not unusual on this site - but tragic. Still have a daughter and son-in-law active in the Borg - long story and very painful.
Granny Linda
Here, too, I'll be looking forward to other postings from you. Welcome. Actually, welcome to any newcomers. I've just began posting after lurking around awhile.
Klaus Vollmer
Edited by - klaus vollmer on 3 August 2002 8:46:12
Klaus Vollmer
Edited by - klaus vollmer on 3 August 2002 8:45:34
Welcome, Robinhood! Looking forward to hearing more stories from you!
Klaus Vollmer
robin, where are the rich ones you take the money from ? :-) Is that your story part II?
Edited by - klaus vollmer on 3 August 2002 8:47:1