WT literature in the trash can

by Nordic 37 Replies latest jw experiences


    I never do anything anything I will regret at a later time and that includes tossing WT ORG literature / snredding it up of course...and then tossing it up into the air and yell H A P P Y N E W Y E A R !!! QUEENIE - LINDA LOU KERSEY the former JW apostate heathen bitch from hell...

  • Bang

    Why the trash - what about a ceremonial incineration ?


  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    Ceremonial incineration? Sounds like my experience! I had a big bonfire and burnt the lot (almost - kept a few for future reference and as a reminder never to become involved again). For me the satisfaction of seeing them go up in smoke was worth more than anybody would be willing to pay me for them!

  • Faraon

    [quote]This is illegal in the United States. Because of the written content of WT literature, it cannot be merely thrown away. One has to take it to a designated "Toxic Waste" dump site where men in space suit[quote]

    LOLROFPOP (Laughing out loud, rolling on the floor, pissing on my pants) @ Farkel, good one.

  • Makena1

    Nordic - welcome to the board. We ended up burning a lot of our bound volumes while we were still dubs because they were water damaged.

    I still have one copy of most of the books hidden away in boxes - not sure why, no plans to look at them again.
    I also have two working phonograph machines and several records of Rutherford's talks that I was thinking about advertising on ebay.


  • Truth2Me

    Though I hadn't been in the Borg for very long, I had inherited a sizable collection of books and bound volumns from other Witlesses. So, I tried to donate them to a local University...figuring they'd be good for classes on high-control groups like the JW's or for studying about mind control and manipulating people with false arguements etc. The University wrote back to me saying they didn't want any of the WT stuff....so I ended up putting most of it in the trash....I still have a few things, and the WT Library CD-ROM so I figure I can research stuff if I want to. I can't decide though if I should cancel or renew my mag subscription. I've heard that in New Hampshire, USA, they now only hand out mags at the KH....you can't even have an individual subscription there anymore. I live in Rhode Island....and I have a subscription...but if they stop doing subscriptions everywhere I can see that being a problem for those who want to keep abreast of the junkola the Society is feeding the minnions.


  • ashling

    Quite ironic. Hubbie (never a JW) and I spent some time this morning tidying up one of the spare bedrooms. We unearthed a stash of JW propoganda, much of it inherited from my family. I've been thinking I'd like to do a cleansing ritual this autumn, bonfire and all. But then, I can cultivate a bit of the greedy in me. But, as some have already posted, might that not be somewhat unethical to the unwary who, stumbling upon the stuff, get taken in by what they read and get REALLY STUMBLED!!??!!

  • Farkel


    Minor point-of-order here. I hope you don't mind the minor correction:

    : We ended up burning a lot of our bound volumes while we were still dubs because they were water brain damaged.


  • stichione

    Hi Nordic. I too am in pretty much the same situation as you. Except, I started BUYING old WT literature on the
    internet and in used book stores so that I could convice myself and the wife that this is not the truth!

  • Jim_TX

    A lot/all of the JW literature that I had got boxed up, and put up into the attic where I lived whilst married.

    It is still there as far as I know.

    The temps in that attic far exceed 120-degrees (Fahrenheit), so I'll bet that the pages in most of the books are nice and toasty brown. (I had boxes stored up there with styrofoam in them that got partially melted, so I KNOW it gets hot.)

    I have no plans to go and do a 'recovery' operation - so they'll just have to stay there. Lotsa 'first edition' JW propaganda, too.


    Jim TX

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