Richard Dawkins talking about a Creator

by FusionTheism 89 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cofty

    That's not really any sort of answer Ruby.

    Are you sure you haven't misunderstood the concept of memes?

    Please join the dots.

    My prediction came true by the way.

  • Ruby456
    condescending much
  • freemindfade
    FT & Ruby, i feel you guys try to present yourselves as open minded, but there is a strong sense (stink if you will) of holding on to the hope that the bible is the word of "god" and this fellow gives a $hit about you and all of us, would that be a true statement or not? I have no idea what FT's agenda is, but it doesn't seem to be the pursuit of things that are true and evidence based, just that people considered atheists admit their is a YHWH.
  • StrongHaiku

    Ruby456 - I believe that Richard Dawkins meme theory fuels the militancy of militant atheists. It probably also fuels his own militancy.

    Not sure what you mean by that but if it means that 'meme theory (and other theories) provides another leverage to remove the undue privilege of religion over our society', well then, I am in favor of any good theories that do so.

  • Viviane
    I believe that Richard Dawkins meme theory fuels the militancy of militant atheists. It probably also fuels his own militancy.

    You've not shown us how studying science has anything to do with memes. Try again.

    You also still owe us the evidence that what FT wrote is an accurate representation of what Dawkins said.

  • FusionTheism


    Perhaps you could actually try listening to that little video in the OP, since my comments were a summary of exactly what Richard Dawkins said in the video?

  • FusionTheism


    So you're saying that ANYONE who thinks there is a God has "an agenda" which is NOT the truth?

    Conspiracy theory much?

  • Viviane
    Perhaps you could actually try listening to that little video in the OP, since my comments were a summary of exactly what Richard Dawkins said in the video?

    FT, you claimed you made no commentary, now you say you did. Which is it? We can get to the truth of your commentary (or lack thereof) once we determine which of your statements is true.

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    FT. Just *sigh.

    Im actually currently reading The God Delusion - and everything you've said here is absurd. Please read the book immediately.

  • StrongHaiku

    FusionTheism -


    So you're saying that ANYONE who thinks there is a God has "an agenda" which is NOT the truth?

    I can't speak for Freemindfade, but it seems to me that a number of people who believe in God do have an agenda - i.e. to get other people to believe the same thing. And, since they cannot provide good evidence, then by definition, what they are proposing may not be true.

    FusionTheism, please hear me out... I do have an agenda. I want to live in a peaceful, just, and habitable planet. Right now, we have a world full of people with access to some really horrible things who all think that they are right because faith in <insert preferred deity> says in the <insert preferred holy book> that they need to shape the world to their beliefs. Everyone seems to understand the dangers of this except when it comes to their pet beliefs and religion. The idea that people are making life-and-death decisions for themselves and others based on faith or a feeling or wishful thinking scares the Hell out of me. If that does not scare you then I don't know what to tell you.

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