Hi All
On reading the September issues of Watchtower and awake, I had a good laugh at the hypocrisy that leaped out at me.
Awake Sept 8th 2002 :"To believe that numerological interpretations are accurate, when they are based upon such widely variable factors as calendar and language, is to stretch the limits of credibility to an absurd degree."
Considering the amount of ridiculous number crunching done by the society, how amazing that they print that statement! If I remember rightly 607 date is based on an interpretation of calendar dates and the 'language' of the bible (which they always manage to skew to their doctrine). This article was about numerology so it appears the society thought it OK to tell people not to use numbers to divine, when actually the Watchtower has used numbers to divine when Armageddon would be here. Watchtower...does 1914, 1925, 1975, "during the 20th Century" and other numerical predictions spring to mind here?
How about the "anointed ones" being Saints?
Watchtower September 15 2002: "Jehovah God himself has carefully chosen these men and women. Moreover, they have served faithfully on earth, facing practically every problem experienced by humans. (1 Corinithians 10:13) We can be confident, therefore, that these resurrected holy ones, or saints, will be merciful and understanding rulers, taking into account our weaknesses and limitations"
(bold added) I just find this to be the utmost in arrogance. Talk about elevating oneself!
I could probably go on forever, but I just thought that these two quotes were sufficient to show that the Gov. Body are not the meek, truthful, humble men that Jws think they are!!!!!!