drugs wordwide epedemi

by happy man 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • happy man
    happy man

    II think this board is a perfekt place to speak about this very bigg problem.

    I grow upp in a JW family in 1960 when flower power was a bigg thing, many of these who try canabis, marijuana, ended upp dead, and for mee it was not even in my wildest fantsy to tke this things.

    Today this is a very bigg problem , even among JW i think, it is not easy to find your children use this stuff, and also defending it and try to tell that it is much more dangerus widh two ore three drinks on satterday evning.

    I have two boys who almost worshipp this drugg canabis , and say it open your mind, helping you to see things as they realy are.

    Perhaps some here have expiriens how you as a parent must akt, i have never hitt my children, i heve never force them to bee a JW, ofcourse this is a very bigg problem , for mee, and i think fore many who have been involvd. Inn sweden it is a crime to use this or to sell it, i now in some other countrys it is not forbidden, so if some one want to give some addvice, thank you.

  • Trauma_Hound

    Ended up dead? How on earth would they end up dead? Me thinks some propaganda has gotten to you, the stuff is a hell of alot safer then alcohol.

  • happy man
    happy man

    Endead upp dead, YES, they start upp widh easy drugs like M and c and ended upp widh hevy things like kokain, and other kemical things, i dont want to tell you all so calld popstars who ended upp dead, i think you now a few yourself, but thanks for your post, hope we have a bigg discuss here, and who commen it is amon Jw children to use this stuff.

  • space

    I agree with you Trauma Hound. Drugs are good in moderation. Excess is when it becomes a problem. Look at Kieth Richards, my god this guy lived longer the jim fix the health nut and he still rips a mean guitar. Its not a war on drugs its a war on personal freedom. People die everyday and i think more people die from being too fat more than having a drug abuse.When are we gonna realize that personal addiction is common in humans, but quit pointing the finger at drugs. I can see it now "You support terroism buy being to fat" Quick blaming everything on drugs. Its personal freedom

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    Hi, Happy. Nice seeing you here.

    I seriously doubt that pot smoking brought on death. And smoking pot is not indicitive of the person graduating onto 'hard' drugs. Quite right though, some do, I'd imagine. But as already mentioned, given a choice, if one choices any drug - I'd rather my son light up a pipe then drink alcohol.

    In this country (USA) there is strong evidence that the govenment is responsible for bringing drugs into this country to begin with. Personally I think this phoney war on drugs is just a smoke screen for matters much more pressing against our freedoms. Now, that does not mean I do not care about our youth being poisoned by man made drugs. Speaking of which, how many prescription drug "addicts" are there world wide?...yet there is little said at the public level about how RICH doctors and pharmacutical companies are because of such. Hell, how many people die in your country each year because of mis-diagnosis and/or prescription drugs?

    It's not uncommon hearing of how some have died because the doctor continues switching pills on a patient. Pill pushers, in my opinion. I'd suggest that perhaps instead of believing everything put out at the media level you might be surprised to learn just how we have all been lied to about a myraid of things. Sorta like us 'apostates' here...after honest investigation - well, ain't it amazing just what can be learned, eh. It's not politically correct though too go contrary to status quo. And of course information is not always readily available.

    I'm not advocating any type of drug...but people will continue doing what they've done with or without consent. And again because of law's, attorney's and the court system reap billions of dollars. My husband is a former bail bondsmen, and let me tell you the money game is motivation enough. Wait until these hate crimes become more common place...whew, money will flow like booze.

    enough said.


  • SpiceItUp

    Moderation is definately the key--when it comes to cannabis, alcohol, food, caffiene etc....

    Besides I dont think I have heard of any famous people dying from marijuana--If they did it was probably because it was laced with something else.

    my .02

  • tdogg

    If you tell kids that pot is the devil and if you smoke it that bad things certainly will happen to you, when they try it they will know that you don't know what you are talking about.

  • Valis

    Epidemic..*L* people have been using drugs for thousands of years and will have even better ones as time goes on and synthetics become the norm......I would say that teaching your children about choices is the whole game. Kids will always be drawn towards what is not accepted in thier culture. I would prefer to have my kids come to me when they decide they get curious. If they don't they will be around people who probably don't have thier best interest at heart. Then I would have to hurt some fool. I have enough experience to be the good bad role model. I wholeheartedly believe they will believe me when I tell them what they should avoid at all costs. They also have dozens of my friends that know them and have watched them grow up to do the same thing. Openness and honesty must be paramount when it comes to kids and drugs. Just the truth and just the facts. No righteous indignation...only wise counsel based on your own experience...and if you don't have that kind of experience...then post a thread on the message board and ask for people's opinions.....ummmm oh wait you already did that...*L* no short term....tsk tsk


    District Overbeer

  • Bendrr

    Happy Man, it is not the drugs that are bad it is the people who abuse them.

    Our society would do well to spend more time educating and less time fighting. Teach the benefits of abstinence first and foremost. But also we should teach moderation, safety, and responsibility. Responsibility is a word seldom used in any education these days. The same goes for freedom.

    Personally, I use *some* drugs. I do so carefully and responsibly. I don't drive when using them. I don't use them while at work. I don't have kids but if I did, I would not use them while the kids were in my care. I am in favor of the legalization of some drugs and the decriminalization of others. But not yet. Our society just has not embraced the concept of personal responsibility yet, especially those who would benefit from legalization/decriminalization.

    I hope that one day society as a whole matures to the point that we can legally enjoy any chemical we want responsibly, but until that happens -- and it won't as long as we have idiots suing over McDonalds coffee that is too hot -- the so-called war on drugs is going to be a fact of life.

    Mike, who happens to be enjoying a Lortab right now.

  • Bodhisattva

    I always figured that the chronic was what helped make you such a Happy Man.

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