The Governing Body and Modern Man's World How Do They Do It?

by Brokeback Watchtower 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I mean how can these guys run a corporation and make good policies when they are so deluded and hide the fact from themselves and their readers?

    OK sure they got a Legal department but they are all brain washed just like the GB, and these guys think that every decision they make is Jehovah's come on they are so out of touch with reality how can they every make good policy that is truley good? even when they are deceiving and coniving they are making blunder all over the place because they are old and deluded and full of shit.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Don't rock the boat.

    I believe this is the main reason that people develop doubts and begin to question things leading them to discovering TTATT.

    A one time staunch JW told me today that the Elders told her that because of Jehovah's Holy Spirit, Elders do not make mistakes.

    She rolled her eyes, and walked out on the meeting, tho still loyal to "Jehovah".


  • Xanthippe
    Brokeback Watchtower2 hours ago
    I mean how can these guys run a corporation and make good policies when they are so deluded and hide the fact from themselves and their readers?

    Most companies have to work really hard to manufacture goods or provide a service. These men spend all their time guilting people into giving them money. Who else does that, persuades people to give them money for nothing in return? They've been doing it for over a hundred years. Once a corporation's income reaches critical mass it is not difficult to keep making more money through investments and buying and selling property.
  • berrygerry


    Not complicated!

    Start your own.

    Ingredients and recipe below.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    The JW org is like an old fashioned steam roller. It puffs and clanks along squashing the life and worldly ambitions out of its masochistic devotees and they pay the price for the privilege.

    It is the inertial force in a social context. The Watchtower cult has fed its own community with impossible-to-realise hope for 136 years. The end is forever declared to be imminent and to leave the lumbering organisation would be to miss out on the joys of Armageddon. So it’s a great unsavoury pudding of hope and promises enjoyed with a few million like-minded suckers and an illusory anchor for the soul. The price you pay is with your freedom ... your whole life’s endeavour is to be given over in favour of the WTBTS. The leadership get reflected glory from their delusional role as “God’s appointed” and receive the funds from the stock exchange and the punter’s family inheritances.

    It is almost impossible to stop a steam roller...unless you are in the driving seat. (Nevertheless they cannot cope with driving into sink holes!)

  • punkofnice
    BW - I mean how can these guys run a corporation and make good policies ?

    They don't. they just bully the R&F to give them money and power. Their policies are tripe. Their teachings are redundant. Their methods are evil. The leaders are gluttonous filth.

  • Vidiot

    When you run a small religious empire, you don't really need to make good policies.

    You just have to stay at the top of the heap and keep the rhetoric a-comin'.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Yes but what makes me feel so surprised is that they continually operate from a delusional base filled with grandiose feelings of superiority and ignorance. Such a system can not deal with the changes happening in the world as each move is a mistake or based on wishful thinking. I think we all know the eventual outcome of a course based on wishful thinking when reality sets in at the nightmare stage.

    I really think the GB are not up to what the future has in store for their delusion that they are running Jehovah's earthly organization.

  • sir82

    OK sure they got a Legal department but they are all brain washed just like the GB,

    I don't think the legal department is even 1% as deluded as the GB.

    Unlike the GB, the lawyers deal in the real world.

    Imagine how utterly f-ed up the religion would be without their braking of the looniest GB ideas.

    Imagine what the religion would look like if Tony Morris were in charge with no one to check his ego and lunacy.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    You might be right Sir82, but a little shall we say exaggerated in your %. I'm thinking there must be a constant battle going on with the legal department and the GB CEOs.

    I wonder if secretly some in the Legal Dept. are trying to sabotage the Corporation by letting the GB go ahead with their hair brained policies of operation, or perhaps even out of frustration, being that they are unpaid and all,(big maybe here) or perhaps under paid and cheated or what ever agreements the WT corporation has made with them to retain their services at Bethel.

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