WT VIEW --Is there anything wrong with witchcraft?

by MrMoe 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    Do you dance in circles in white dresses addressing tree spirits to show themselves? Then you might be candidate for the devil riding your ass like a Harley.

    In todays world, many people may turn to witchcraft as the answer; but is it?

    In ancient times, witches would summon demons and listen to Led Zepplin. Stairway to Zambagooga, as heaven was called at the time, was chanted over human sacrifices in front of children. They all wore miniskirts as part of their devilish activities.

    Now, of course you may say, "I myself want nothing to do with devils....I simply want to be a spiritual naturalist." But, is that possible?

    These days human sacrifices are outlawed, so witches turn to more deceptive means.

    One Jehovah's Witness and former witch has to say, "I was sacrificing animals all of the time. It was no big thing. Then we would all turn on Led Zepplin or Jimi Hendrix and summon the devil for fun. But, we really didn't know what we were getting ourselves into."

    Falicia goes on to say, "One time we all had this smurf doll. Mary Kate said, "O broom kallamesh!" and the doll started to walk around. Of course this didn't bother us, because we reanimated dead things all of the time. But this time, instead of dancing around the doll, I followed it to the local Kingdom Hall."

    Why would a demonized smurf go to a kingdom hall? Because it must've known the only place to find true spiritual food is behind the doors of a Kingdom Hall as one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    "When I went in and they started to talk to me, I found out that my life was totally worthless. Everything before I was a Witness was moot, and this comforted me. As they burned the smurf doll, it ran around and started to make the curtains catch on fire. Seeing that, I decided I needed a change. Having such a feeling of self-loathing was purifying, and in time, I came to be just like everyone else in the Hall, and all because Jehovah led me there with that smurf."

    Now, won't we all take counsel from Falicia and follow your personal smurf to the Kingdom hall? You're sure to find true conformity there! -Pslam 982:93

  • Sentinel

    This is a very broad subject. Because there is such superstitution in today's society and has been for a very long time, we have been subjected to an inaccurate portrayal of the Wicca of today. I personally have had acquaintance with a couple people or are into Tarrot Card reading and the practice of Wicca. I know people who have special "gifts". They have never said or done anything offensive to me. They have never hurt another living thing. They don't speak of demons and the "darkness". They take the term "occult" in another whole direction, and live by nature and healing--and all good things. They have been misunderstood and mislabeled for a long time.

    Because of these misinformations, some have played games, and calling out to the darkness, and have ended up enticing the real evil out from the darkness, and so have had to deal with bringing them out. Personally, I don't like to be out of control. I've never done drugs, and I've never called on demons. But, I have been in situations where others have.

    I have had to deal with a few very bad, very real "evils, entities, demons", whatever, that my first husband enticed into our home when he was experimenting with such things and having parties where they thought it was a fun thing to do. Let me just say, that a few of our hippie, free living, free loving friends were "changed forever" in the way they learned to deal with good and evil. Be very careful what you ask for. You just might get it.

    I know these things exist first hand. I don't doubt it when someone tells me of an experience that would otherwise not make sense, or sounds like something from "the Twilight Zone". Unless one has ever had such an experience, one may be skeptical and laugh. As a level-headed person, I would chose to stay close to love and light and goodness, and as far from that end of the spectrum as possible. But sometimes, in life, we brush close to it.....

    However, I think we do have to watch out for anything that takes us away from the good. Anything that would harm us physically or mentally...(why am I suddenly thinking of JW's)

    Evil is the opposite of good. Evil can be found anywhere. There are people who do live their lives in a different type of service. I think the bible has given man some valuable information, but as with everything else, it has been twisted in shape and form.

    I have a gift of sorts myself, in that I can sometimes "sense evil". Just one way this has occured in my life, is when my husband and I were accompanying a realtor who was showing us a home in the country. This was in mid-day, and a newer home that had been built over old old property. Beautiful, sunshiny day, but when we pulled right up to the house, I suddenly felt "strange". I told my husband that "something was wrong" and that I felt really uncomfortable. He knows when I tell him this exactly what I mean. But, between he and the Realtor, they pooh-poohed my fears, and we started for the house.

    This was a newer home, with five bedrooms all on one level, and a very large basement. It was empty. It was an expensive home, too expensive for us, but we had driven by there and seen the for sale sign for ages, and so the Realtor was showing us another home in the area, so my husband wanted to go in. Needless to say, I took up the rear. As soon as I entered the front door, there was just this horible feeling of distaste. We went from room to room--I kept saying "let's go", "let's go", and my husband was beginning to feel annoyed with me. So, I told him that it was an evil place. That didn't go over too well. He told me to be quiet, that I was imagining things.

    What I found extremely odd about this place was that all the windows were placed up high toward the tops of the walls. You could not see inside the house from the outside at all. From the outside we saw that although there was no real driveway around and to the back, there was a garage type door, very large, at one basement end. Everything upstairs was carpeted, but there were dark stains here and there. I inquired of the realtor a bit of the history. She said that since the home had been built, the original owners had left suddenly, and put the home on the market. It was one of her most difficult properties, she said.

    I picked up on that right away. She then told us that the owners were rather accentric folks who had these wild parties at night and invited lots of young people. She thought perhaps they had some type of business set up in the basement because of the big wide doors. She then said, okay, now for the basement, at which I immediately said, "no way". I can't go down there. I told my husband to please not go down there. When the basement door was opened, there was the horrible smell that to me smelled just like death. I said "what in the world is that smell". We were told it was just a damp basement, because the home had been incorrectly built over a spring. My husband was half way down the steps, saying to me, "come on, you've got to see this place". But, I could not go but just a couple steps down. I was absolutely shaking, almost near tears.

    I could hear them downstairs, and my husband was saying "I wonder why they would have done that", or "that's really strange, why would they have these holes down here!." I had already noticed one of the holes, which was covered by a lid of some sort, and she had told us that it was just a drainage system of sorts. ?? All of the sudden, my husband comes bolting up out of the basement, with the realtor right behind, and says "get out of here"........I was full of fear and fright, and we all ran out. The realtor never said a word, and ran and got in her car and sped away.

    My husband told me, "you were right....something evil is in that place". Apparently, while they were down in the basement, they were checking out the other five (5) cisterns---totally bisarre for a home that size, and they thought they "heard" something. That did it, they freaked and bolted, nearly running over me at the top of the stairs. Not only that, but when they began to ascend the basement stairs, the whole section began swaying back and forth and shaking!

    My husband would not speak to me about it, accept to say that he should have listened to me. I asked him point blank if he thought someone had died there. You have to know my husband. He is a person that deals with the facts. He is very level headed and says there is a reason for everything. To this day, he will not speak of his experience. I have tried to bring it up, and he promptly shuts me down and turns me off.

    I have since learned that a portion of the land area that home was built on, was a former old graveyard, moved to accomodate new homes. Maybe the original owners were dabbling in things they shouldn't have and connected with something they shouldn't have. Who knows.


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