Meet the Parents!

by ShaunaC 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • ShaunaC

    Well, I went to see my parents last night. It was the first I had seen or spoken to my mother in over 8 months. I also was able to see my nephew who is almost 2 and whom I haven't see in exactly a year. I got to see my younger sister too when she came by to pick up her kid.

    All in all I guess it went okay. To my suprise they asked more about my life than I thought they would and not to my surprise they didn't ask enough to show they really cared about what was going on in my life. After teh wide variety of advice I received on how to handle things (thank to all btw), I decided not to reveal too much of myself unless they asked. It's not like I didn't share anything with them. I told them how I was going to Costa Rica in 7 weeks, my boyfriend Nick had shoulder recnstructive surgery lst Sept., about his brothers new baby. But these conversations were just spun off of things they were talking about.

    I did tell them I was moving to Monterey when my dad asked if I was still traveling back & forth almost every weekend to see Nick. They didn't ask for many specifics other than to inquire about what I was going to do for work. Later my mom asked why I was moving & I simply told her it was because I was tired of a long distance relationship.

    When I left I hugged them and thanked them for inviting me over. They made no mention of doing it again, nor did they inquire when I was specifically moving so that they could see me before I go. Oh well. You take what you can get, right? It was all worth it though just to see my nephew. He is so cute, talking and running around all over the place. He even gave me a kiss goddbye when he left. What's funny is that when talking about him they all told me how clumsy he is. In fact, he sat on the couch with me and had to point out to me all of his ouchies. They all mentioned how he was just like me in that respect. When I was a young kid my family went camping and I spilled my drink at every meal all week long. I didn't grow out of it either, as a teenager I spilled a 32 oz. Bilg Gulp in the same spot on the carpet in the living room over a span of years. It kinda makes me feel good that despite me not having much to do with his life, he's got some of my qualities (albeit not the greatest ones) that can remind my family of me all the time.

    It's wierd that although it went alright, I almost felt worse afterwards. Like it's something within your grasp you can't have. It feels like a tease because I know no matter how much they relax in their treatment of me, I will never have the extremely close relationship I once had. Not unless they miraclously left "the truth," (yeah, when hell becomes hot!) I've just come to realize and accept that although they are still & will always be my parents, my father & mother, they are no longer my mom & dad. How sad!

    On the drive home I called Nick to tell him how it went. He tries to be so upbeat about it, telling me to remember how much they love me. Of course his tune sorta changed when he asked if they asked about him or said to say hello to him and I had to admit they did not at all. Mind you, they met him in person over a year ago when we had them to my house & made them dinner. (this was after my dad refused to let me take them out to diner because he told me he couldn't be seen with me in public, lest it might stumble someone!) Nick has also called my parents without me knowing, begging for them to mend their relationship with me, asking if there was anything he could do to help. He has spoken to my mother twice, both times for over an hour. And he just spoke to my dad about 4 months ago. He was very hurt that they would be so rude and not ask how he was doing or even extend a hello. Poor guy, he's got more obstacles to overcome than Ben Stiller did in Meet the Parents. (great movie!)

    Anyway, sorry to babble on about this. I'm really not even looking for a reply from anyone...just wanted to get it off my chest. Glad I'm headed to Monterey tomorrow...I desperately need a hug from Nick!

    Have a great weekend, everyone!


  • unanswered

    hi shauna-i'm glad your evening went pretty well. it's cool that you got to see your nephew, aren't nephews and nieces the best? they don't care if your disfellowshipped, and it's great to be able to see them before they get older and possibly corrupted by minds that aren't free.:) once again, you've hit me with a thought that's been through my head quite a bit:

    It's wierd that although it went alright, I almost felt worse
    afterwards. Like it's something within your grasp you can't have. It
    feels like a tease because I know no matter how much they relax in their
    treatment of me, I will never have the extremely close relationship I
    once had.

    this same exact thought has been with me for some time now, i know that it hurts. i know it doesn't make it better, but it helps me to know that others are dealing with the same type of thing i am, and having sucess as well. thanks for sharing your thoughts-nate

  • ShaunaC

    Thanks Nate! Well, I don't think I'm being rather successful. But misery does love company. And you company has been great thus far. Kinda makes the "misery" worth while just to have met you. Thanks!

  • VeniceIT

    I'm so glad you got to see your little nephew. I have a niece that's 2 & 1/2 and I haven't seen her since May. I used to see her 3-5 times a week and baby sat all the time. She is very similar to me too, which freaks my sister out (isn't it fun). I think that's one of the hardest things is she has no idea why she can't see her Auntie anymore, probably thinks I don't love her or something. That kills me, but I know that in time it'll all work out. It has too. I'm so glad you got to see your nephew even if I am a tinsey bit jeleous ;)


  • unanswered

    shauna-in this situation i would define sucess as facing the problem and not letting it get you to the point where you can't move forward. there is still some misery though, no doubt! forgot to add earlier-have a great time with your man this weekend. for a long time rileygurl lived 1000 miles away from me, and our visits never came soon enough. have fun-nate

  • happytobefree

    Hi ShaunaC,

    I have not officially welcomed you to the forum, so welcome. I'm glad your visit was some-what successful.

    I relate to your feeling about not having the same relationship as you once had. I use to feel the same way about my parents. But now realize the old relationship was not real, it was based on a condition of pretense. And even though my parents may feel a little uncomfortable with the REAL me, I feel wonderful, because I'm not compromising myself for them and especially for some bogus religion. And after I was comfortable with me, I started asking my parents, real questions about themselves, not the bullshit JW questions (are u auxillary pioneering, how's your bible study going, why does sister so and so let her kids participate in sports). And I started talking to them about the AUTHENTIC me and telling them about my life, even when they did not ask. And now I find they are now enjoying our new relationship and yes, they sometime throw in a line about going back to the KH or my dad will tell my kids to ask me to take them to the KH. I usually just laugh it off and tell him for every hour I spend at the KH you will have to read Crisis of Conscience and that usually end the conversation.

    Hang in there. I find the more comfortable you become with your life, then others seem to just follow.

    Happy to be Free (Me)

  • mommy

    Hey Shauna,
    I am playing catch up on your story, and believe me girl, it is far from over I have experienced alot of the feelings you went through and are going through. Just wait till your kids come along and they get the coldness too. I hope for your sake this never happens.
    I think the biggest number one rule I followed for the longest time was not to rock the boat. Yes my knuckles would be white at times hanging on, but I always respected my mom enough to just listen to her. I listened quietly as she told me I would not be with her in paradise(wondering why she wanted me there, if she wouldn't talk to me in THIS life) I listened as she told me I was responsible for my kids dieng in Armegeddon (but the only responsibility I felt was for giving them life)I listened as she told me I couldn't talk to my other brothers and sisters, because I may sway their minds(thinking they are being swayed NOT to talk to me) I also was where you were when she tried to establish a relationship for us to communicate(only to realize, this isn't a relationship, or communication)
    I know what they will say when they find out you are living with your boyfriend(don't believe them)
    I tried for the longest time over 6 years to show my mother who I am as a person, but she only sees what she wants to. She only hears what she wants to hear. And will believe this till she dies. You will only benefit from being happy with yourself and your new life. Then you will be able to understand and accept them, eve if your knuckles stay white!
    I have so much more I can say, but my heart is sad and I miss my mom. You are right, it is a tease, they are playing with your emotions, but don't blame them they are being played with too.
    My love and prayers go out to you Have a great weekend!

  • happytobefree


    I know it is a rough time you are going through. But never let anyone (even if it is your mother) make you feel uncomfortable in your own skin. And I don't think you should suppress how you feel about yourself for your mother (she's not doing the same for you). I'm not suggesting that you show disrespect from your mother. But I am saying that you should not accept her disrespecting you or your children.

    Setting boundaries is one thing, that help me to became truly happy. I don't accept ANYONE mistreating me and I let that me known. And I correct them without being mean, but by being direct and showing them that I'm made out of flesh and blood and I hurt and bleed just like they do. And if they chose to continue to attack me, I discontinue my association with them and tell them why.

    I don't know your mother so I can't comment on her character. But any person who would bring undue pain to children, should be put in their place. I don't care if they do think they are doing it for God (they really know better, but choose to do what they want to).

    I have asked my parents if it is really love, if it makes them behave so terribly when I am pursuing a life that make me SO VERY HAPPY. And I remind them I'm the same person I was when I was an active JW. I just attend different meetings and the meetings I attend are still very respectable and upbuilding.

    Happy to be Free (Me)

  • Thirdson

    Hi Shauna,

    Welcome to this board. I greeted you on H20 but I have been posting less and less there as this board has surpassed it in quality.

    I have a similar problem with my parents although we converse regularly they never ask too much in depth about me. I also live 4000 miles away which makes visiting infrequent. The good thing is that you are moving on with your life and moving to somewhere and someone better. We can't live our lives just to please the unrealistic expectations of our parents. While we care and love them for who they are we need to find the important things and pursue our own happiness, freedom and dreams outside of the crushing walls of JWdom and the judgemental attitudes of those of live within.

    Best wished to you,


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • dark clouds
    dark clouds

    dealing with the folks has got to be the greatest and most challenging of all the obstacles, no exception here, it took my mother 2 years to actually speak to me after she learned i had stopped attending the meetings, mind you neither am i df'd nor da'd i simply refused to continue in the borg. . .
    8 years later i can probably count the times we have spoken and these have been because i have initiated them,
    an emptiness follows which is so deep and so draining that many times i question if i should even attempt to continue making the effort, the woman that was once my mom slowly throughout the years has grown distant, disattached and has become a stranger who knows so very little about me. . .

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