Marrying a cousin

by A_Revelation 36 Replies latest social family

  • A_Revelation

    I was wondering if this is seen as wrong in the eyes of jehovah and wether it would produce unusual children

    does anyone know?

    i was just interested

    also wether it is legal in britian (where i live)


  • Crazy151drinker

    Usually it is illegal as there is a greater chance of birth defects. Also its a little weird!

  • Mulan

    It was extremely common in past history...............doing my genealogy research, I find hundreds of cousin marriages.

    My sister in law's parents are first cousins. Her grandmothers were sisters. They had children, and all are extremely bright and prolific.

    In the US, it is not legal to marry a first cousin, so they went to Canada, where it was legal at that time. Not sure now.

  • openminded

    I could be wrong but I think I remember reading that the increase in birth defects is a myth and that the real reason for banning inter- famile marriages is to eliminate competition within a family unit.

    Does Jehovah disagree with it? Well if you read and believe the Bible, you will see that he's pretty much cool with the idea. Check out the story of Cane (Adams boy) and Lot (and his daughters). Just dont let your kids see you naked (Noah) or Jehovah might kill you or somthing. OM

  • A_Revelation

    wat about in england though?

  • A_Revelation

    is it legal there?

  • BeautifulGarbage

    How closely related would those cousins be? I do think many states outlaw the marrying of 1ST cousins. After that, I don't think it's against the law.

    I know of cousins that got involved. Didn't marry, but lived together. I believe they were 2nd or 3rd cousins. Their grandfathers were brothers.

    There is a risk of genetic deformity in the children of 1st cousins.

    I know that the Amish community has been hard by birth defects, and babies born deformed, because of so many generations of interfamily marriages.


    Edited by - BeautifulGarbage on 5 August 2002 13:49:38

  • RR

    You know this hits really close to home.

    My Mother has 23 brothers and sister, my father had 18. All my aunts and uncles had broods [anywhere from 3 ro 6 kids each], I have cousins I haven't even met before. We experimented with each other at family gatherings.

    In fact my mother's mother aqnd my father's father are brother and sister. which makes my parents first cousins.

    When they first saw each other in their early twenties, they didn't see a "couisn" they saw each other, fell in love, got married and had three kids, me the youngest!

    Now my having seven toes on all three of my feet has nothing to do with my parents being cousins.

  • Crazy151drinker

    So I take it family gathering were a blast???

  • A_Revelation

    it was a joke yeah? :)

    but does anyone know if its legal in gods eyes/the governments eyes?

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