When I would go down the street and honk at good looking women,they would give me a funny look..Now that I have a car they don`t seem to mind..LOL...OUTLAW
The absolute worst was when my husband and I were attending a friends wedding. A memeber of the wedding party (not the groom) thank God, came up to my husband and said, loud enough for me to hear, "Would you mind if I fu*ked your wife". Oh, now thats attractive.
I went into a very classy and very packed dancing club some years ago. I was dressed to-the-nines and found the most beautiful and available women in the club. I walked over to her and in my sexiest voice asked, "Would you like to dance?" She smiled demurely and said, "Yes, I would." I replied with, "Ok. Can I have your chair, then?"
A guy told me I needed to be more aggressive, so I asked a woman I had just met: "Would you like to f***?" She slapped me, so I followed-up with, "So I suppose a b*** j** is out of the question then?"
I was never much good at small talk or pickup lines. Fortunately, being in the band pretty much obviates the need for that. As often as not, they came to me.
Did it bother me that it was my status as a musician, rather than me as a person, that attracted them? Uh...