It's been said many times that Bethel monitors this board. If they do, what do you think they're thinking? Do you think this board could cause a staunch Bethelite to question things? Or do they just like to get the latest juice on whatever is "hot" in the "apostate" world?
IF BETHEL MONITORS this board what are they saying
by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends
I can 110% guarantee that the legal dept monitors boards critical of the WTS. (insider info)
The brothers are warned beforehand that what they read could be discouraging. And
if they feel discouraged they should inform someone in the dept. to change duties.
What are they saying?
"Holy shit! They're on to us!!!"
HI Mike....why would any lawyer be" discouraged" because of reading this board?
because they are "JW's" who practice law.
JWs who are lawyers. That's a scary thought.
So how do you decide whether to tell a JW joke or a lawyer joke?
Imagine that, a two time loser! A lawyer and a JW!
i can imagine it if they were lawyers who became immersed in the Org. But someone born into it becoming a lawyer doesnt make much sense
Since this is a board that anyone can access, of course, Bethel is also checking out this board. I wouldn't say monitor because the only one monitoring this board is Simon.
If Bethel is reading this, I got a lot of 4 letter words to call you, but due to the graphic and colorful nature of these words, I can get deactivated so all you guys can figure out on your own.
If it is the Bethel legal dept. checking out this board, then they sure have a lotsa headaches to deal with (scandals and the potential lawsuits from them as well as a lotsa uncovered truths that they will have to spin doctored to cover for their next KingDumb Hell meeting).
Well if they do monitor this board well it shows again how hypocritical they are, as they tell us at meetings not to go on these sites but they do it , whats good for them, isn't for the rest,,, The Borg is really like Big Brother in 1984!!!