Isn't this just a pitiful way of saying, 'I can't deal with my anger'....'Just be passive and be quiet and don't have any expectations'....'life is just too difficult; count me out'....'I can't have any impact anyway so why should I even try?'....and of just sitting somewhere on the very outside and just daydreaming of how God, or maybe even Spiderman, is just going to come along one day and then, then really, "I'll show you!"
'Waiting on Jehovah'
by Dia 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
And I'm very much frustrated and disappointed that so many are still willing to go along with the thought, "Wait on Jehova even if the WTS is ruining your life."
Yeah I know, it's pretty sad. I keep wondering that there's a rightful reason that they're bound up like that, because generally, when people overcome their fears in the name of righteousness - they open their eyes and leave straightaway.
Maybe many are doing as God has asked - being meek - the children in 'lawful' custody anyway
Edited by - bang on 6 August 2002 3:31:42
On the good side - it leads to endless patience.
On the bad side - it leads to an extreme form of 'magical thinking' (to use psychological terminology) which disables a person from coping with their life.
Room 215
It's noting more than a bid to justify avoidance of resolving sticky or unpleasant matters requiring urgent attention. Yet how many times does the WT, from the other side of its mouth, turn around and praise the Bible characters who excelled at ``taking decisive action in support of True Worship,'' a la Jehu, Gideon, Samuel, et. etc.?
I think that should be our response to the dubs for any question they ask.
Q. Would you like the latest Witchtower and AFAKE! magazines?
A. I think I'll just wait on Jehovah for them.
Q. Are you going to write your resignation letter saying you no longer want to be a part of our glorious publishing company?
A. I think I'll wait on Jehovah about that.
You have a flat tire. Aren't you going to change it?
A: I think i'll just sit here and wait on jehovah.
Your teath are rotten. The bacteria could spread and destroy your kidneys.
A: I think i'll just wait on jehovah.
The dubs don't know how much thanks they owe to socalled worldly people, supposedly controled by satan, who have invented medical miracle procedures, overturned oppressive rulers, took chances to establish a relatively free market capitalism, etc. These efforts have brought mankind a previously unknown level of freedom, education and health. If all waited on jehovah, we'ld still be riding around in chariots, dying young from various maladies, and killing each other for the smallest infractions.
I wonder what would have happened had David (being the newly annointed King) sat around saying, "I'll wait on Jehovah", while Saul was trying to kill him? ... Interesting
If everybody in the Biblical record just sat around "waiting on Jehovah", there would be no Biblical record of anything.
Personally, I always thought it was I'm "waiting on Jehovah's promise" to ultimately be fullfilled...until then I will continue on with my life doing the best that I can.
"Waiting on Jehovah" as used by JW(s) amounts to sheer and utter basically means I shall make absolutely no effort to deal with this issue whatsoever.
EXCELLENT POSTS, all. Thanks especially to room215 and lieu (leui?).
You all just prove that there is a good reason we bounce our thoughts off of others. It so opens our own understanding.
Just bumping this up as it might be useful to some who are currently faced with some of the mind numbing actions and attitudes of JWs in their lives.
Edited by - Dia on 8 November 2002 21:36:39