Whenever the bible was available in scrolls form or in bookform is not the matter.... our judge is jesus.... he judges us not for mental knowledge, mental ability of bible passages, mental knowledge about old or new covenant whethera law applies or not., how much we study the bible book in family whorship, jesus did not tell his apostels to write a book to recite or remember, he did not say that we have to study the bible, to study theology, to study types or antitypes,..... later the church added the 4 gospels, and apostle letters to the canon only to better remember jesus, a possibiliy to hear jesus in his words, although jesus never said to make notes on his conventions with his disciples ;-) ......only to listen..;-). and he said as our fathers remembered without notes .....Judgement is according to the kowlege by heart this is Love to god, our connection to him, jesus only wants mercy, love and faith .....not mental knowledge .....that we have mercy towards others. Lately Jw will discover that their jwlogy was an unnecessary phantasm a chimera, the authentic faith is in the church (Catholic and sister churches)