Could a person get disfellowshipped for. . .

by StinkyPantz 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Pistoff

    Dia, let me know what articles you used

  • Dia

    pistoff - I don't understand the question

    reborn2002 - how do I link to the site you posted. It looks very cool. I'd like to get to it from the outside. How? What's it called?

  • Robert_V_Frazier

    For Dia: It's in the logo at the top.

    For Stinkypantz: It's not my place to tell you what to do, but I hope you can let this go and not interfere with this other person and her mother. The Society is ordering the mother to act less than human, and she isn't letting them make her. She should be praised for standing up to those thugs. It's just a profound pity that your mother isn't doing the same for you. Revenge isn't sweet, it's just hatred. Practice it, and your ex-friend will practice it back at you. If you really want revenge, as the old proverb says, you'd best start by digging two graves.

    Robert Frazier

    Edited by - robert_v_frazier on 6 August 2002 10:6:25

  • StinkyPantz

    Many of you think that I am being mean to this girl by wanting to rat her out but you have no idea what she did to me. I was seeing a guy that I was in love with and was going to tell my parents about him but I didn't because I was afraid to. She took it upon herself to tell EVERYONE before I could. At the same time she was seeing a "worldly"guy but of course she didn't want to divulge her secrets. So she tells the elders on ME and lies about any wrongdoing she's done. I get ONE JC meeting and df'd (and this is without saying I had sex with him or anything! And they did not have 2 witnesses), and for months she never got into trouble for all the things she's done. Well she tells her mom all is well, moves in with her and then gets df'd 2 weeks later. She hadn't told her mom but moved in with her.

    My point is this: She was a whore messing around with several guys and SHE tells on me! I was in love and I married my guy. Before I could get married I had a very rushed JC meeting, kicked out, and lost my family. It was my plan to just get married and stay in the org. She lost nothing because she lied constantly. When she did get df'd she told her mom that it was because she was covering for me!!! So her mom thinks she was just being a good friend! I lost my family because of her lies!! I have asked her to explain why she did this and she refuses to. So for all of you that were belittling my effort to get revenge: F*** you!!! I'm getting it anyway.

    Edited by - StinkyPantz on 6 August 2002 14:30:49

  • lisaBObeesa

    my two cents:

    It seems like you would be hurting her mom, not her.


  • StinkyPantz

    I've considered that. But her mom is breaking JW law. Plus it will get Tasha kicked out of the home and her mom will shun her properly.

  • Reborn2002

    Robert_V_Frazier stated:

    She should be praised for standing up to those thugs. It's just a profound pity that your mother isn't doing the same for you. Revenge isn't sweet, it's just hatred. Practice it, and your ex-friend will practice it back at you.

    With all due respect, I was once a pacifist as you who believed in the inherent good of people.

    In this case, Stinkypantz would be more than justified in acting accordingly to have her ex-friend evicted from her home and for her mother to shun her DF'd daughter properly according to Watchtower doctrine.

    If her friend's mother is representing herself as a Jehovah's Witness in good standing, then she is blatantly violating WT doctrine and living by one standard herself while preaching and demanding an entirely different set of rules for someone else. This type of behavior is hypocritical, haughty (to assume you can be above the rules yet be critical of others) and intolerable.

    You said:

    Practice it, and your ex-friend will practice it back at you.

    Apparently not. Last time they had any form of relationship Stinkypantz was ratted out to the WT elders and DF'd, all the while her friend assumes that she can live in her mother's household while DF'd.. as if the very same WT rules do not apply to her or her family.

    Some people are just assholes, plain and simple. To be nice is to be walked on.

    I fully appreciate your encouragement for an individual to take the "moral high road", alas, sometimes you have to get "down in the gutter" and be just as spiteful with these idiots for them to understand how hurtful their own actions can be.

  • StinkyPantz

    Did I mention that this was my best friend of 15 years since I was 7 that betrayed me? And I'm not allowed a bit of revenge?

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Hmmm StinkyPantz

    I can see how you'd feel pissed off with this girl. Her actions in reporting you to the elders have led to your relationship with your mother being ruined; she covers up her actions and continues to have her mothers love when she is finally found out. She sounds like a rather toxic person.

    I don't recognise the peculiar regulations of Brooklyn as rules that I or my family have to follow. I don't recognise the authority of elders, I don't believe thay are spirit appointed or qualified to judge me, my family or anyone else. I am not sure from this thread whether you do.

    Do you still want to be reinstated? Do you accept the WTBTS as God's organisation? Or did you just want to avoid being df'd so you would not be shunned by your family and congregation, whilst discreetly you live your life the way you want to?

    I cannot condemn people who are JW's who do the right thing when Brooklyn tells them not to. If a JW couple decided to allow their childs life to be saved with a blood transfusion rather than let it die without, to call them hypocrites is ridiculous.

    I am very sorry that Reborn2002 considers that my parents, by treating me with natural affection, are "hypocritical, haughty and intolerable". I am not qualified to judge people I have never met, I am very impressed that they have this ability. Maybe I should let them know that they must not see me any more..........

  • Kingpawn


    I am very sorry that Reborn2002 considers that my parents, by treating me with natural affection, are "hypocritical, haughty and intolerable".

    If your parents would tell others that their df'ed adult daughter has to be evicted from the house but would willingly keep you if you were also df'ed and of age, then it would be hypocritical. But since your parent's views on the issue weren't stated, no charge of hypocrisy could be made. Personally, I didn't get the impression that Reborn was lumping your mother in with Tasha's.

    As far as StinkyPantz's question--to rat out or not to:

    Anyone here who's ever pulled a similar stunt and now counsels her not to do so would be--the "H" word again, obviously. I guess I'd say if her conscience and religious values can OK it--if she can live with herself afterward--then who am I, who hasn't felt the hurt, to say no? She won't answer to me on it, whatever she decides. Although I too wonder if SP wants to be reinstated at some future date--knowing that would affect what I write here. And even a "no, never" now could change years later.

    I could say "God knows what the score is and He'll handle it."

    I don't know what I feel more--uncomfortable with those who can state a yes or no to her question so definitely or an envy I don't have that certainty myself.

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