I see you've received lots of kudus for your post and that is no doubt due to your obvious compassion for those who have seen the WTS for what it is, yet still remain its slaves.
There is another side to that coin, though. Those who know that the WTS is no more God's chosen group than the Rolling Stones, yet still act as if they are loyal believers are living, walking and talking a pack of lies. If they have children at home and discuss the WTS party line with them, they are telling dangerous lies to their very own children. If they are hiding their true feelings from a spouse, they are liars to their spouses. If they are elders, they most certainly must engage regularly in field service, and in doing so, they are spreading lies to innocent people at the doors.
I'm not talking about innocent "white" lies, either. I'm talking about dangerous lies that can ruin peoples lives and psyches. Lies like "only Jehovah's Witnesses will be spared Jehovah's wrath at Armageddon"; lies like "Jehovah's earthly mouthpiece is the FDS, and if you disagree with them you are disagreeing with Jehovah"; lies like "sacrifice everything in your life but tellings others about the "Good News(tm), or you will die." That would include forsaking quality time with your children, and spouse, and getting a good education and being able to provide well for them.
The price one pays to his/her personal integrity and honesty for staying in until the time is "right" is a huge one. Breathing and knowingly living a total lie has to be one of the hardest experiences any decent human being can face. Such a person is aware that s/he is a coward and that doesn't do much for self esteem.
There are those who know the lie yet still feel they would do better by zealously working for reform from within. For those I have more respect than for those who just go along with the flow and do nothing more.
I find it incredibly ironic that the Watchtower Leaders have made such a big deal about JWs who have had the courage to stand up against ruthless political regimes and end up murdered as a result, yet these same Watchtower Leaders have turned their own followers into such wimpy cowards they don't dare even quietly speak a word against those religious masters. The reason they can do that is obvious, though. Those who are murdered as a result of standing up for the religion are convinced they are assured of a shot at eternal life. (Another BIG lie.) Those who stand up against the WTS are outcasts and all their fantasies about being rewarded by "Jehovah" are dashed to pieces. They are on their own.
But they would be free from tyranny and no longer living the Big Lie(tm).
I know that my statements are generalizations and can't be applied to all cases, but in essence that is the way it really is.
Hard to be Known as a "Newbie" Class
Edited by - Farkel on 16 March 2001 14:2:38