Google: most accurate bible in the world
by enigma1863 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
I just googled "most accurate bible in the world" and got New World Translation as the answer. Comments? -
self-affirmation perhaps
That statement is probably most often repeated by WTS/JWs and thus is google's #1 "hit".
Other Bible translators have some modesty and truly are "discreet".
The first hit for me was an article that strangely had many different opinions. It said 'is the new world translation the most accurate? In a word, no.' 'I do agree that the new world translation is accurate only in the opinion of Jehovah's witnesses.' Etc. -
How would you even define "the most accurate Bible in the world"? There are no original manuscripts extant so what do you measure against?
John Aquila
I googled and got KJV
So it depends what time of the day you google!
If you type "most accurate bible in the world" it says NWT.
If you type "most accurate bible" it says KJV.
I Googled "most accurate bible translation" and got KJV at the top of the "Answers" dot com list. It may depend on the search words included as JWs may often use "in the world' in their claims.
"Bing" search shows Tetragrammatin at the top and the NWT Wikipedia JW claims page is shown as the 2nd listing.
It may be that If you google 'most acurate bible in the world' the nwt translation hits on the word "world" as well as bible translation thus giving it a higher search result -
Really good point, Morpheus!