At some point in the future, it has to finally dawn on people that something is seriously flawed about the IDEA of Jesus coming in the clouds to save everyone who believes- and kill everyone who doesn’t.
Will people still believe in Jesus in another 1000 years?
Will people still be saying in the year 5015;
“Jesus is almost here, it’s only been 5,000 years since he died, stay on the narrow road”
Won’t it be extremely difficult to acknowledge that it’s been 5,000 years that a man named Jesus died so everyone who believes in him can live forever?
(John 11:25, 26) everyone that is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all. Do you believe this?
(Here's a hint, people that are exercising faith in Him "Are Still Dying")
It’s been 2,000 years since a man named Jesus died and every generation since, believed theirs was the generation that would see Jesus coming in the clouds to rescue everyone.
(Revelation 2:16) I am coming to you quickly. . .
(Romans 13:11) for now our salvation is nearer than at the time when we became believers.
(James 5:8 the presence of the Lord has drawn close.
(1 Peter 4:7) the end of all things has drawn close.
The same goes for 1914 as the year Jesus kicked Satan from heaven.
At some point, Cognitive dissonance has its limits.