How long will it take?

by John Aquila 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    At some point in the future, it has to finally dawn on people that something is seriously flawed about the IDEA of Jesus coming in the clouds to save everyone who believes- and kill everyone who doesn’t.

    Will people still believe in Jesus in another 1000 years?

    Will people still be saying in the year 5015;

    “Jesus is almost here, it’s only been 5,000 years since he died, stay on the narrow road”

    Won’t it be extremely difficult to acknowledge that it’s been 5,000 years that a man named Jesus died so everyone who believes in him can live forever?

    (John 11:25, 26) everyone that is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all. Do you believe this?

    (Here's a hint, people that are exercising faith in Him "Are Still Dying")

    It’s been 2,000 years since a man named Jesus died and every generation since, believed theirs was the generation that would see Jesus coming in the clouds to rescue everyone.

    (Revelation 2:16) I am coming to you quickly. . .

    (Romans 13:11) for now our salvation is nearer than at the time when we became believers.

    (James 5:8 the presence of the Lord has drawn close.

    (1 Peter 4:7) the end of all things has drawn close.

    The same goes for 1914 as the year Jesus kicked Satan from heaven.

    At some point, Cognitive dissonance has its limits.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Never underestimate the power of irrationality in the human species.

    What I hope for, in the future, is that science will become the religion of mankind.

  • tim3l0rd
    One thing that made me wake up was finding out that so many generations have applied the last days prophecy to their time. It was applied in the 1400s, 1500s, etc. Each of them said that things couldn't get worse. If that was the case, then what is different about today?
  • StrongHaiku

    John Aquila - At some point, Cognitive dissonance has its limits.

    I really wish that someday we may eliminate a lot of knowledge gaps that God/superstition resides in. That eventually religions, supernatural, and other non-sense get relegated to a museum in the "This is how dumb we were..." exhibit.

    I would hate to think that 500 years from now we will be fighting "holy wars" about "Who shot first? Han Solo or Greedo". I truly hope that there is a limit to Cognitive dissonance, as you stated. I truly hope that we manage to stay alive long enough that we will make a "brave new world".

  • DesirousOfChange

    No one will ever see it as being 1000 years.

    Only 20 or 30 ........or 70.

    They will only view it from the perspective of their lifetime.


  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    I really wish that someday we may eliminate a lot of knowledge gaps that God/superstition resides in. That eventually religions, supernatural, and other non-sense get relegated to a museum in the "This is how dumb we were..." exhibit.

    There are studies being done that indicate cognitive dissonance has limits. How far a person is willing to stretch those limits depends on the individual him/herself.

    For example, a person who smokes may become exposed to information that says, “Smoking causes, cancer, heart disease That uncomfortable feeling pops in his mind and he starts rationalizing it away by saying; “My health is OK, or if I quit I will start gaining weight which is unhealthy, or I enjoy smoking so I’ll be careful and monitor myself.

    In time he get this nasty cough that he can’t seem to shake off and goes to the doctor. The doctor tells him he has beginning signs of throat cancer.He either need to quit or face the consequences. The cognitive dissonance that was causing him to rationalize away the information that smoking is bad, it now out the window. Now he realizes he needs to do something or he will die earlier than he anticipated.

    Cognitive dissonance does have limits.

    The question is though, what are the limits for all the people like Jehovah Witnesses to finally admit that being in the WT is not only a waste of time but can be dangerous, especially with their blood policy and disastrous with their educational views on schooling. Or all the New Light, lawsuits, or hypocrisy. Once a JW is affected personally, the Cognitive dissonance wall starts coming down pretty quick.

  • StrongHaiku

    John Aquila - The doctor tells him he has beginning signs of throat cancer.He either need to quit or face the consequences. The cognitive dissonance that was causing him to rationalize away the information that smoking is bad, it now out the window. Now he realizes he needs to do something or he will die earlier than he anticipated.

    I totally hope that "Cognitive Dissonance" has its limits. I really, really, really do. And, I hope that there are large numbers of JWs who have limits and will wake up. You named a number of JW scandals that may have shaken some, which is good. But experience has shown me that there are people who, no matter what, will "ride that bus all the way to the end". My grandmother smoked even when she was in an oxygen tent. Some people never learn.

    I really have no hope for my family. But I truly wish that there will be many who will run into limits of their cognitive dissonance.

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    But experience has shown me that there are people who, no matter what, will "ride that bus all the way to the end". My grandmother smoked even when she was in an oxygen tent. Some people never learn.

    That's true, There will always be those who will ride it all the way, but we are entering a world of full disclosure with access to the internet through all sorts of devices. In the past smoking was so popular that just about all the movies portrayed the hero and the sexy girl as heavy smokers. Since full disclosure about the dangers of smoking have become so public, and all the lawsuits against the cigarette companies, the trend in the U.S. for smoking is going down steadily. Cigarette sales have plummeted. Companies are targeting underdeveloped countries to sell their product.

    The WT is getting so much publicity that JWs can't help but be bombarded with all the publicity exposing the organization. Throw lots of mud at a target and some of it will stick. There are so many waking up and it's just the beginning.

  • done4good

    I totally hope that "Cognitive Dissonance" has its limits. I really, really, really do. And, I hope that there are large numbers of JWs who have limits and will wake up.

    It does, but the nature of CD is that people typically double-down on the dissonant behavior before they begin to reason properly. Unfortunately, some never get past this. As John Aquila points out, usually a person needs to be affected personally, before they can shed the CD. Fear is almost always at the root of the problem, and they need to overcome that first.


  • bemused

    In the UK, regular churchgoers account for about 12% of the population. Some of the other 88% may tick 'Church of England' on the census form out of habit but I think it's reasonable to conclude that a significant majority of the population of the UK doesn't believe that Jesus was the son of God.

    As for "Jesus coming in the clouds to save everyone who believes- and kill everyone who doesn’t", I would say less than 1% believes that - this isn't a doctrine that the Catholics or the Church of England actively preaches.

    I'm hearing people talk very negatively about religion as a result of the rise of Islamic State. It's not just Islam that is coming in for criticism but all religions with their received wisdom and absolute certainties. People seem generally far more sceptical and prepared to challenge these days and while no doubt there will be some believers for many, many years yet, at least in the UK I would expect Christians to become an ever smaller group.

    JWs may not suffer as badly because of their shunning policy holding people in. Even then, it's one thing subscribing to a particular religion when most other people are religious, but quite another when almost everyone else is secular - the feeling of otherness must grow for the still-in Witnesses.

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