Many of the posters here have been in the organization for years.During the time that you have been associated, have you ever had to go before a commitee? Did you confess to something or were you confronted by the elders? Were you ever accused of something but it couldn't be proven? Did your experience with the elders affect your view of the organization?
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
During the time that you have been associated, have you ever had to go before a commitee?
Yup. Twice.
Did you confess to something or were you confronted by the elders?
Confronted Twice.
Were you ever accused of something but it couldn't be proven?
First time accused of falsehoods and they WOULD not present accusers or present any witnesses. Second time accused of truthhood. (Celebrated X-mas, and was reported) We admitted our decision to celebrate Christ.
Did your experience with the elders affect your view of the organization?
Yup. The first time was PURE madness...that's when we started to drift off.
I was in about 10 meetings with elders at my father's request(an elder at the time himself). This was between the ages of 12-15. I never confessed unless there was nothing else I could say---like if they had hard evidence. I got so sick and tired of it I got baptized at 14 so I could get df'd. Well, nine months later, my evil little plan had worked. Never went back.
Yes minimus, I had to deal with a confrontation with the elders on more than one occasion before I left the Dubs.
When I was still a good little Dub, I carried the microphones at the meetings, read at book study, and distributed the litter-ature from behind the counter after TMS/Service Meeting night.
Anyway, I grew out my sideburns to the bottom of my ear, and unbeknownst to me one Sunday afternoon during the Watchtower Study I was snatched out of my seat and to the back room.
I was chastized because my sideburns were too long! I was told if I did not trim them up I would be deleted from the microphone-carrying list, and would have my other priviledges revoked as well.
When I questioned their rationale for such action.. asking for Biblical support for their reprimand, I was chastised FURTHER for even daring to question their authority. I knew full well that they had NO scriptural reason to make such an outlandish request, and I DEMANDED that they provide support for their ridiculous, trivial nonsense.
They never did. They expected that I would comply JUST BECAUSE they were elders.
I told them basically to fuck off, and I was subsequently removed from those priviledges.
What a crock eh?
Another time, a friend of mine while in the Borg was known for smoking marijuana. He NEVER admitted, and they NEVER had two witnesses to use against him. His father was an elder, and he had had access to the elder manuals, so he knew how to play the JW game.
On more than 1 occasion they advised me that he was "bad association", hence he was "marked", yet whenever they went on their inquisition to attempt to have him DF'ed, they would always come to me asking if I knew or had ever seen him delving into narcotics. They reminded me that I was BLOODGUILTY for the congregation if I did not tell them if I saw him smoking marijuana or not.
I laughed in their face.
Those are two of my experiences.
I had one other, but I will post that some other time because even now it is emotional for me.
Yes, confronted, yes, yes.
I had endless interrogations from those bastards - 3 elders at a time. (hmm not unlike being gang raped each time) My doctor had to put me on tranquilizers due to the extreme stress. They'd show up at my home unannounced, followed me on my EMT course and once they had my husband at the time in tight with the flock - they dumped me and to this day, it was because I wouldn't tell the perverts itty bitty details of being raped.
No way on God's green earth these people were representing the 'Truth'. If it wasn't for their assaults and that's what it felt like - I may have gone back. Their actions told me clearly from which direction they were from.
Perhaps we should rephrase the scripture to say "By their questions you will know them"
Edited to add: I refused to go to the final meeting. They called it the very day I got out of the psych ward even though they were told from higher up to leave me alone for three weeks. The pervs couldn't wait.
Mimilly of the totally disgusted with elders class
Edited by - Mimilly on 6 August 2002 22:33:26
I had an unofficial meeting with one elder for hanging out with my best friend who just happened to be a girl. I was told that I couldn't spend time alone with someone of the opposite sex. We ended up getting into a big argument and I told him that he and the other elders could go fuck themselves if they thought they could tell me who I could talk to and who I could hang out with. Needless to say I never got any "priveledges" in that congregation. I also had a judicial commitee for premarital sex. I had a so called "good" name in the congregation so they slapped my wrist and told me to go out in service more and attend all the meetings. I think I went to three meetings after that and never went back.
Yes, yes and yes. It was a horrible experience. I especially felt so bad for my parents, who had to sit in on all my committees, absolutely shamed to the core over me. I wish they would realized it was all a load of crap, but they truely believed I was evil. I was usually called on the carpet for attitude problems, because I had a low tolerance for lies. That's what was sad. I wasn't really up to anything "bad".
Twice for me.
First time was just before I was married the last time. Seems we didn't have a good enough chaperone and engaged in a bit of mutual petting. I had no problem over it, but she decided to make a clean breast of things to the elders. I found their questionings to be a bit too intrusive and answered very brief and noncommital. Mostly just yes and no answers. I don't know how she answered, but it was enough that we received private reproof.
I found the experience to be almost laughable. After all, I was 44 years old at the time and had been married twice before with 2 grown children. In retrospect, I should have just gone ahead, had sex, confessed and taken a DF and saved myself 8 more years of grief.
Second time was in 1999, after some 5 years of being inactive. I was confronted by two elders who decided to visit me and set me up for a DFing. They came by to provoke a confrontation and when they did and after I kicked them out of the house, forcibly, I received the certified letter informing me of when and where my JC was to be held. I replied with a three page letter citing the elders manual and numerous Watchtower and Awake articles showing they were in violation of their own publications and threatened them with legal action if they continued harrassing me. I never heard another thing. About a year later, I went ahead and DA'd anyway.
In all, I found the experience to be very petty and childish.
Lew W
Edited by - DakotaRed on 6 August 2002 22:59:47
Edited by - DakotaRed on 7 August 2002 2:44:23
Let's see:
During the time that you have been associated, have you ever had to go before a commitee?
No, I was not requested to go before a JC until about 3 years after I had quit going to meetings and moved 300 miles away from the congragation I used to attend. (In fact, I don;t think I ever went to the meetings at the congragation that DF'd me, but my wife did)
Did you confess to something or were you confronted by the elders?
I didn't confess anything, and I was never questioned, Actually I never went, I told them to shove their meeting up their asses.
Were you ever accused of something but it couldn't be proven?
Well, it was sort of hard to hide the fact that I had gotten remarried. (I guess I could have told them I never had sex with my new bride ROFL)
Did your experience with the elders affect your view of the organization?
Nope, I already knew they were screwed in the head. It really only confirmed that they were errogent c*** suckers and lived for power over others.
Alot of you guys really told the elders off and swore at, that's funny.