: Being from the uk i find the cost of living high, but according to most its much cheaper to live in the usa,i mean food is cheaper,fuel is cheaper,hi-fi is cheaper,i bet everything is cheaper,why the hell is it cheaper in the usa. So if im wrong convince me why im better off in the uk.
When one is poor, everything is high. When one is rich, everything is cheap.
It's no different in the USA or the UK.
Besides, the USA has distinct disadvantages over the UK: we don't have Queens, Kings, Princes and Princesses. We don't have a language that cannot be understood by people who speak the same language. (Except Texas and other parts of the South, where they can't even understand EACH OTHER!) No part of our Country claims the official title of "Empire," although Texas is close. We really don't know much about sarcasm, having never had much of a need to learn it.
We haven't mastered the art of understatement, because we are the last people on earth to need to do that.
There is only one place in our little world where people speak the "Queen's English" and that is Massachusetts. I know. I've been there. Ironically, no one gives a shit about Massachusetts, even the people IN Massachusetts. Except those there who speak the "Queen's English."
Besides the "Queen," I suspect that no one in the entire world gives a fuck about her English. But what do I know?
Besides, jerks like me live here and my ancestry is almost 100% British!
Go figure!
Edited by - Farkel on 9 August 2002 1:28:2