The current level of airport "security" does nothing to address the real problem(s).
It may make some people feel better about flying, because they think that the airlines are secure. But like a good magic show, it is just smoke and mirrors, and the reality is very different from the fantastical appearance.
Making people drink fluids to "prove" they are not dangerous? What a croc of horse manure. There was a story like this a while back about a young kid who had pond water samples and was forced to drink it. Of course, he was sick for days.
What weapon(s) did Sept 11 terrorist use? Mostly planning and cunning, and most of all.... The AIRPLANE!!!!!... and a few snap-off blade style box cutters.
They could do the same thing tomorrow even with the new "secure" airports, only substitute poly-carbonate blades (which are not picked up on metal detectors), and easily conceal them in one's trousers, socks, up the sleeve, etc.
The real dangerous weapon was THE AIRPLANE!!!!! Taking away my nail file does NOTHING to increase the level of security!!!! What idiots and short-sighted nincompoops are making these decisions and setting these security policies? The logical fallacies remind me of medical practices in the 14th century... based on superstition and coincidence rather than sound reason.
BTW, I am not trying to scare anyone against flying. Many more people died last year in preventable highway traffic accidents, but nobody is afraid of driving because of it, right? (I hope not). Airport security reminds me of automotive dashboards in the days before airbags: they often looked soft and cushioney, but underneath the thin lair of softness was often sharp metal edges that made nasty damage to collision victim's faces. Current airport security is like those old dashboards. Sure, you think it is safe, but you may be in for a huge surprise.