My guy with the lurk account on JWtalk (where all the kool-aid drinking JWs go to talk about how wonderful 'The Twoof' is) sent me some more interesting threads, here's one:
Spoiler: Starting new the new service year September
"There will be new directives from the Branch through the Circuit overseer on Dress and Grooming that will disqualify one to be a congregation publisher. I have heard what some of the info is but not all. Guess we will have to wait to see what is all included in new instructions."
"Part of the direction is on anyone dressing heterosexually. Seems like this has gotten out of hand especially in large metropolitan areas around the world. Those that even give the appearance of such (Example: Skinny Jeans) Will be disqualified as a publisher. There are other areas to be covered both male and female but this is one."
"This information came in letter form from the branch to CO's and future directions will be implemented Starting in Sept. We have been given suggestion on proper dress and grooming for some time. I guess in order to get the attention of those whom like to walk the line its time to lay it on the line if you want to look like like the world then be in the world. If you want to be recognized as a witness of Jehovah then obey. The choice will be given"