by silentlambs 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • silentlambs


    Friday, August, 9


    William H. Bowen: KY 270-527-5350,

    Barbara Anderson: TN 931-455-6910

    Elders Conduct "No Tell Motel" Appeal Hearing

    Fifth Child Advocate Excommunicated, More to Follow

    Jehovahs Witnesses continue a series of confidential hearings to silence child advocates. Watchtower's policy on how child abuse allegations are handled internally, have been criticized by members around the world. The Governing Body (leadership) authorized disfellowshipping (excommunication) leading child advocates in the religion starting May of this year for saying better policies are needed to protect children.

    A new twist is the convening of secret motel appeal meetings with the accused. On Tuesday of this week, William H. Bowen, 44, of Benton , was summoned to an appeal hearing regarding his recent disfellowshipping . Six elders sent a letter demanding Bowen meet them at a Holiday Inn Express in on Sunday, August 11, at 5pm. "I find it odd six men want to meet with me alone in a motel room, says Bowen, A few friends have asked to come with me in case they try something."

    Bowen is the founder of silentlambs ,( 877-wtabuse) a support group for abuse survivors among Jehovahs Witnesses. He has had several threats of bodily injury from fellow members after going public with how abuse allegations were mishandled in the organization.

    Barbara Anderson 62, of Normandy TN, was given a 48 hour notice two weeks ago to meet six elders at the Ramada Inn located in Manchester. When she expressed apprehension at meeting six men at a motel alone without her husband, the committee refused to communicate or explain their actions. " They disfellowshipped me and authorized the announcement the following Thursday, July 25 without giving me any chance at a fair hearing," she says .

    Management of the Ramada Inn of Manchester r eported that six elders met for about one hour and then left without paying for the room. One week later, Anderson provided information to the motel on how to track down the elders for payment.

    Carl and Barbara Pandelo of Belmar, NJ , were disfellowshipped on June 10, Joe Anderson of Normandy , TN, on July 31. Bowen makes the fifth child advocate to be excommunicated for saying publicly children in the organization need better protection from fellow members who are child molesters. Members in four other states are facing hearings unless they remain silent.

    Jehovahs Witnesses have one million members in the and over fifteen million attend services around the world. It is their goal to call at every home in at least once a year.

    Princeton Congregation

    of Jehovah's Witnesses

    901 Hopkinsville Street, Princeton KY 42445

    c/o Presiding Overseer


    William H. Bowen

    Dear Brother Bowen,

    Arrangements have made to hear your appeal of the decision made by the judicial committee that you should be disfellowshipped . The meeting has been set for at , at the following address: Conference Room of the Holiday Inn Express, Sunday 11, at 5 pm.

    Your Brother,

    Daniel L. McMullen

    Chairman-Appeal Committee

    cc: L. Rush Hunt, Attorney at Law


    Mrs. Barbara J. Anderson

    Dear Sister Anderson;

    On , we corresponded with you in response to your letter of in which you appeal the decision made by a judicial committee from the congregation.

    A meeting was arranged to hear the appeal. However, we were informed that you could not be at the scheduled meeting due to the short notification period. We are please to arrange another meeting in accordance with you equest.

    Meeting has been set for 3 pm Sunday at the following address; Ramada Inn , 2314 Hillsboro Blvd, Manchester, TN

    R. E. Matthews

    Chairman appeal committee

    cc; Jerre Michael Hood, esq . Attorney

    Edited by - silentlambs on 9 August 2002 13:32:49

  • Fredhall

    LOL........ This is funny.

  • nancee park
    nancee park


    take the physical threat to Bill's safety seriously, please.
    We know for a fact that elders have pushed, spat on,
    shouted at, cussed at, and struck others with their fists.
    Also dissidents have sometimes reported being under
    visual and electronic surveillance. This is not something
    dreamed up. It is for real, and I urge all who possibly can
    to be present at the motel when the elders take him into
    the room, even just outside the door so as to assure his
    physical safety. Also do as he asks by getting copies of
    his press release to editors of your local newspapers
    and possibly radio-TV broadcasters would use it.

    Thank you,
    Troy Brown"

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Bill, you may also wish to alert the police of the situation.
    As to the pro-Watchtower poster, Fred, it is not funny, sir.
    It is dead serious.

  • Dismembered

    <------ This is funny!

  • RubyTuesday


    tell that to the children that have been raped and are being raped, or do you find that to be funny also?

  • Fredhall


    If you think that is me, then you are totally wrong. A matter of fact all the ladies that know me will tell you the same thing.

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Don't worry, Bill. Most readers here will see right through the pro-WTS people's efforts to mock you. Any man who goes out of his way to protect children like you have is going to have our support all the way, even into Brooklyn. :)

    I also recommend you ask Charles to be there and take press information from you as soon as their doings end.

  • LuckyLucy

    yuck wonder you dont post your real pic

  • Fredhall


    I'm a sexy cat.

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