When I start to go out on XJW bords, one year ago, I first come to this mans board, hee have several diffrent places, wher you can disscuss religion, but i understand he was a very bigg anti JW.
When i now read att Canal C, i find his name, and nick name, morloc, i understand that he have come back to us, i am radher sure this is T;C, perhaps someone here now how it is. I can give you some exampels of what he was saying tonigt on this Canal C,
It's no different with the organization. Sure, there are other religions that have similar teachings and doctrines and sincere individuals. I know that better, I think, now that I've been away from the organization, than I did while keeping myself apart from those of other "faiths." And while I would have no qualms about setting foot inside a church or synagogue or temple, I would find it nearly impossible to do so to actually worship. That would be the dividing line for me.
But just because I prefer to worship Jehovah God at a Kingdom Hall does not mean that I am obligated to accept 100% of the teachings and doctrines there--after all, if they aren't perfect, then that automatically implies that something must be IMperfect, correct? So, I refuse those things which "smell funny" to me... but only after looking at it closely. (Broccoli smells "funny" to me, but after examining it and having myself a taste, I find that I like the stuff, so I eat it now.)
If this is THE Timothy Campel, it must bee a bigg sensaition, or?